首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus

The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus




The African Plio-Pleistocene hominins known as australopiths evolved a distinctive craniofacial morphology that traditionally has been viewed as a dietary adaptation for feeding on either small, hard objects or on large volumes of food. A historically influential interpretation of this morphology hypothesizes that loads applied to the premolars during feeding had a profound influence on the evolution of australopith craniofacial form. Here, we test this hypothesis using finite element analysis in conjunction with comparative, imaging, and experimental methods. We find that the facial skeleton of the Australopithecus type species, A. africanus, is well suited to withstand premolar loads. However, we suggest that the mastication of either small objects or large volumes of food is unlikely to fully explain the evolution of facial form in this species. Rather, key aspects of australopith craniofacial morphology are more likely to be related to the ingestion and initial preparation of large, mechanically protected food objects like large nuts and seeds. These foods may have broadened the diet of these hominins, possibly by being critical resources that australopiths relied on during periods when their preferred dietary items were in short supply. Our analysis reconciles apparent discrepancies between dietary reconstructions based on biomechanics, tooth morphology, and dental microwear.
机译:非洲上皮世更新世的人称南方古猿进化出了独特的颅面形态,传统上被认为是一种以小,硬物体或大量食物为食的饮食结构。这种形态的历史影响解释认为,在进食过程中施加于前磨牙的负荷对南美洲颅骨面形态的演变产生了深远的影响。在这里,我们使用有限元分析以及比较,成像和实验方法来检验该假设。我们发现非洲古猿A. africanus种类的面部骨骼非常适合承受前磨牙负荷。但是,我们认为咀嚼小物体或大量食物不太可能完全解释该物种面部形态的演变。而是,南澳颅面形态的关键方面更可能与摄取并初步准备受机械保护的大型食物(例如大坚果和种子)有关。这些食物可能是这些人参饮食的拓宽了,可能是由于南方古猿在其首选的饮食品供不应求时所依赖的重要资源。我们的分析调和了基于生物力学,牙齿形态和牙齿微磨损的饮食结构之间的明显差异。


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