首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Rapid evolution of seed dispersal in an urban environment in the weed Crepis sancta

Rapid evolution of seed dispersal in an urban environment in the weed Crepis sancta

机译:杂草Crepis sancta中城市环境中种子传播的快速演变



Dispersal is a ubiquitous trait in living organisms. Evolutionary theory postulates that the loss or death of propagules during dispersal episodes (cost of dispersal) should select against dispersal. The cost of dispersal is expected to be a strong selective force in fragmented habitats. We analyzed patchy populations of the weed Crepis sancta occupying small patches on sidewalks, around trees planted within the city of Montpellier (South of France), to investigate the recent evolutionary consequences of the cost of dispersal. C. sancta produces both dispersing and nondispersing seeds. First, we showed that, in urban patches, dispersing seeds have a 55% lower chance of settling in their patch compared with nondispersing seeds and, thus, fall on a concrete matrix unsuitable for germination. Second, we showed that the proportion of nondispersing seeds in urban patches measured in a common environment is significantly higher than in surrounding, unfragmented populations. Third, by using a quantitative genetic model, we estimated that the pattern is consistent with short-term evolution that occurs over ≈5–12 generations of selection, which is generated by a high cost of dispersal in urban populations. This study shows that a high cost of dispersal after recent fragmentation causes rapid evolution toward lower dispersal.
机译:分散是活生物体中普遍存在的特征。进化论假设,在传播过程中繁殖体的损失或死亡(传播成本)应选择对抗传播。在零散的栖息地中,扩散的成本预计将是强大的选择力。我们分析了蒙彼利埃市(法国南部)种植的树木周围杂草丛生的杂草Crepis sancta种群,这些杂草在人行道上占据了很小的一块,以调查分散成本近期的演变后果。 C. sancta会产生分散种子和不分散种子。首先,我们表明,与非分散种子相比,在城市斑块中,分散种子沉降在其斑块中的机会要低55%,因此落在不适合发芽的混凝土基质上。其次,我们发现,在常见环境中测得的城市地区不分散种子的比例显着高于周围无碎片种群。第三,通过使用定量遗传模型,我们估计该模式与发生在大约5至12代选择中的短期进化是一致的,这是由于城市人口的高分散成本所致。这项研究表明,最近的碎裂之后高昂的分散成本导致向低分散的快速发展。



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