首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) antagonist Cetrorelix down-regulates the mRNA expression of pituitary receptors for LH-RH by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) antagonist Cetrorelix down-regulates the mRNA expression of pituitary receptors for LH-RH by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH

机译:黄体生成激素释放激素(LH-RH)拮抗剂 Cetrorelix下调垂体受体的mRNA表达 抵消左旋糖酐的刺激作用 内源性LH-RH



The mechanisms through which LH-RH antagonists suppress gonadotroph functions and LH-RH receptor (LH-RH-R) production are incompletely understood. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated the effects of Cetrorelix on the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in three experimental systems with different pituitary LH-RH environments. Ovariectomy induced 3.61-fold and 6.34-fold increases in the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R in rats after 11 and 21 days, respectively. After (5 h) a single injection of 100 μg Cetrorelix, no significant decrease occurred in the mRNA levels of pituitary LH-RH-R in ovariectomized (OVX) rats with high pituitary exposure to LH-RH, but there was a significant 23.2% reduction in cycling rats with normal hypophysial LH-RH environment. Prolonged treatment for 10 days with a Cetrorelix depot formulation releasing 100 μg/day decreased the concentration of mRNA for pituitary LH-RH-R by 72.6% in OVX rats, but only by 32.9% in normal rats. The decline in serum LH was 98.7% in OVX rats and 63.2% in normal rats, resulting in a minimal 0.1–0.2 ng/ml LH concentration in both groups. A continuous exposure of pituitary cells to 100 nM Cetrorelix in the superfusion system, which is devoid of LH-RH, did not cause any significant changes in LH-RH-R mRNA level. These studies demonstrate that prolonged exposure to Cetrorelix in vivo, but not in vitro, down-regulates the mRNA expression of the pituitary receptors for LH-RH. Our findings indicate that LH-RH antagonists exert their inhibitory effects on the gene expression of pituitary LH-RH-R by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH.
机译:LH-RH拮抗剂抑制性腺功能和LH-RH受体(LH-RH-R)产生的机制尚不完全清楚。为了阐明这些机制,我们在三个不同垂体LH-RH环境的实验系统中研究了Cetrorelix对垂体LH-RH-R和促黄体激素(LH)分泌的mRNA表达的影响。卵巢切除术分别在11天和21天后诱导大鼠垂体LH-RH-R mRNA表达增加3.61倍和6.34倍。在单次注射100μgCetrorelix(5 h)后,在垂体暴露于高LH-RH的卵巢切除(OVX)大鼠中,垂体LH-RH-R的mRNA水平没有明显降低,但有23.2%的显着降低在正常的体下LH-RH环境中减少骑自行车的大鼠。用Cetrorelix制剂延长治疗10天,释放量为100μg/天,在OVX大鼠中,垂体LH-RH-R的mRNA浓度降低了72.6%,而在正常大鼠中仅降低了32.9%。 OVX大鼠的血清LH下降了98.7%,正常大鼠的血清LH下降了63.2%,导致最低的0.1–0.2 ng / ml LH 两组都集中。垂体细胞持续暴露 到100 nM Cetrorelix的超融合系统中 LH-RH并未引起LH-RH-R mRNA水平的任何显着变化。 这些研究表明,长时间暴露于Cetrorelix 体内而不是体外下调 LH-RH垂体受体的mRNA表达。我们的发现 表明LH-RH拮抗剂可对LH-RH发挥抑制作用 刺激抑制垂体LH-RH-R基因表达 内源性LH-RH的影响。



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