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Inaugural Article: The role of prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex in task switching

机译:创刊号:前额叶皮质和顶叶后皮质的作用 任务切换



Human ability to switch from one cognitive task to another involves both endogenous preparation without an external stimulus and exogenous adjustment in response to the external stimulus. In an event-related functional MRI study, participants performed pairs of two tasks that are either the same (task repetition) or different (task switch) from each other. On half of the trials, foreknowledge about task repetition or task switch was available. On the other half, it was not. Endogenous preparation seems to involve lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46/45) and posterior parietal cortex (BA 40). During preparation, higher activation increases in inferior lateral prefrontal cortex and superior posterior parietal cortex were associated with foreknowledge than with no foreknowledge. Exogenous adjustment seems to involve superior prefrontal cortex (BA 8) and posterior parietal cortex (BA 39/40) in general. During a task switch with no foreknowledge, activations in these areas were relatively higher than during a task repetition with no foreknowledge. These results suggest that endogenous preparation and exogenous adjustment for a task switch may be independent processes involving different brain areas.
机译:人类从一项认知任务转换为另一项认知任务的能力既包括没有外部刺激的内在准备,也包括响应于外部刺激的外在调节。在与事件相关的功能MRI研究中,参与者执行了两个彼此相同(任务重复)或不同(任务切换)的任务。在一半的试验中,有关于任务重复或任务切换的知识。另一方面,事实并非如此。内源性准备似乎涉及外侧额叶前皮质(BA 46/45)和顶叶后皮质(BA 40)。在准备过程中,与没有前知相比,下外侧前额叶皮层和上顶后顶皮质的激活增加更高。一般而言,外源性调节似乎涉及上额前皮质(BA 8)和顶叶后皮质(BA 39/40)。在没有先知的任务切换过程中,与没有先知的任务重复过程相比,这些区域的激活相对较高。这些结果表明内源性准备与外源性 调整任务切换可能是独立过程,涉及 不同的大脑区域。



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