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Colloquium Paper: Ecological intensification of cereal production systems: Yield potential soil quality and precision agriculture

机译:专题讨论会:谷物生产系统的生态集约化:产量 潜力土壤质量和精细农业



Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) provide about two-thirds of all energy in human diets, and four major cropping systems in which these cereals are grown represent the foundation of human food supply. Yield per unit time and land has increased markedly during the past 30 years in these systems, a result of intensified crop management involving improved germplasm, greater inputs of fertilizer, production of two or more crops per year on the same piece of land, and irrigation. Meeting future food demand while minimizing expansion of cultivated area primarily will depend on continued intensification of these same four systems. The manner in which further intensification is achieved, however, will differ markedly from the past because the exploitable gap between average farm yields and genetic yield potential is closing. At present, the rate of increase in yield potential is much less than the expected increase in demand. Hence, average farm yields must reach 70–80% of the yield potential ceiling within 30 years in each of these major cereal systems. Achieving consistent production at these high levels without causing environmental damage requires improvements in soil quality and precise management of all production factors in time and space. The scope of the scientific challenge related to these objectives is discussed. It is concluded that major scientific breakthroughs must occur in basic plant physiology, ecophysiology, agroecology, and soil science to achieve the ecological intensification that is needed to meet the expected increase in food demand.
机译:小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),水稻(Oryza sativa L.)和玉米(Zea mays L.)提供人类饮食中所​​有能量的约三分之二,其中种植了谷物的四个主要农作物系统构成了基础人类食品供应。在过去的30年中,这些系统的单位时间和土地单产显着提高,这是由于加强了作物管理,包括改良种质,增加肥料投入,在同一块土地上每年生​​产两种或两种以上农作物以及灌溉。在满足未来粮食需求的同时,尽量减少耕地面积的扩大,主要取决于这四个系统的持续集约化。但是,进一步集约化的方式将与过去明显不同,因为平均农场产量与遗传产量潜力之间的可利用差距正在缩小。目前,单产潜力的增长速度远低于预期的需求增长。因此,在每种主要谷物体系中,平均农业产量必须在30年内达到潜在最高产量的70-80%。在实现稳定的生产 这些高水平而不会造成环境破坏,需要 改善土壤质量并精确管理所有生产 时间和空间因素。科学挑战的范围 讨论了与这些目标有关的问题。结论是专业 基础植物生理学必须取得科学突破, 生态生理学,农业生态学和土壤科学以实现生态 满足预期的粮食增长所需的集约化 需求。



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