首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >A 27-Amino-Acid Deletion in the Neuraminidase Stalk Supports Replication of an Avian H2N2 Influenza A Virus in the Respiratory Tract of Chickens

A 27-Amino-Acid Deletion in the Neuraminidase Stalk Supports Replication of an Avian H2N2 Influenza A Virus in the Respiratory Tract of Chickens




The events and mechanisms that lead to interspecies transmission of, and host adaptation to, influenza A virus are unknown; however, both surface and internal proteins have been implicated. Our previous report highlighted the role that Japanese quail play as an intermediate host, expanding the host range of a mallard H2N2 virus, A/mallard/Potsdam/178-4/83 (H2N2), through viral adaptation. This quail-adapted virus supported transmission in quail and increased its host range to replicate and be transmitted efficiently in chickens. Here we report that of the six amino acid changes in the quail-adapted virus, a single change in the hemagglutinin (HA) was crucial for transmission in quail, while the changes in the polymerase genes favored replication at lower temperatures than those for the wild-type mallard virus. Reverse genetic analysis indicated that all adaptive mutations were necessary for transmission in chickens, further implicating quail in extending this virus to terrestrial poultry. Adaptation of the quail-adapted virus in chickens resulted in the alteration of viral tropism from intestinal shedding to shedding and transmission via the respiratory tract. Sequence analysis indicated that this chicken-adapted virus maintained all quail-adaptive mutations, as well as an additional change in the HA and, most notably, a 27-amino-acid deletion in the stalk region of neuraminidase (NA), a genotypic marker of influenza virus adaptation to chickens. This stalk deletion was shown to be responsible for the change in virus tropism from the intestine to the respiratory tract.
机译:导致甲型流感病毒种间传播和宿主适应的事件和机制尚不清楚;然而,涉及表面和内部蛋白质。我们以前的报告强调了日本鹌鹑作为中间宿主的作用,通过病毒适应性扩大了野鸭H2N2病毒A / mallard / Potsdam / 178-4 / 83(H2N2)的宿主范围。这种适应鹌鹑的病毒支持鹌鹑的传播,并扩大了其宿主范围,从而可以在鸡中复制和有效传播。在这里,我们报告说,在适应鹌鹑的病毒的六个氨基酸变化中,血凝素(HA)的单个变化对于在鹌鹑中传播至关重要,而聚合酶基因的变化则有利于在比野外更低的温度下复制。型野鸭病毒。反向遗传分析表明,所有适应性突变都是在鸡中传播所必需的,这进一步将鹌鹑牵涉到将该病毒扩展到陆生家禽中。鹌鹑适应性病毒在鸡中的适应导致病毒向性的改变,从肠道脱落到通过呼吸道的脱落和传播。序列分析表明,这种适应鸡的病毒保留了所有适应鹌鹑的突变,以及HA的其他变化,最值得注意的是,神经氨酸酶(NA)的茎区域有27个氨基酸缺失,这是一个基因型标记。流感病毒对鸡的适应性事实表明,这种茎缺失是导致从肠道到呼吸道的病毒向性变化的原因。



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