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Fluxomics with Ratiometric Metabolite Dyes




Today's major excitement in biology centers on signaling: How can a cell or organism measure the myriad of environmental cues, integrate it, and acclimate to the new conditions? Hormonal signals and second messengers are in the focus of most of these studies, e.g., regulation of glucose transporter GLUT4 cycling by insulin, or regulation of plant growth by auxin or brassinosteroids. In comparison, we generally assume that we know almost everything about basic metabolism since it has been studied for many decades; for example we know since the early 80s that allosteric regulation by fructose-2,6-bisphophate plays an important role in regulating glycolysis in plants and animals. This may be the reason why studies of metabolism appear to be a bit out of fashion. But if we look to other organisms such as E. coli or yeast, we rapidly realize that metabolism is controlled by complex interconnected signaling networks, and that we understand little of these signaling networks in humans and plants., As it turns out, the cell registers many metabolites, and flux through the pathways is regulated using complex signaling networks that involve calcium as well as hormones.
机译:当今生物学的主要兴趣集中在信号传递上:细胞或有机体如何测量无数种环境线索,将其整合并适应新条件?这些研究大多数都关注激素信号和第二信使,例如通过胰岛素调节葡萄糖转运蛋白GLUT4循环,或通过生长素或油菜素甾体调节植物生长。 相比之下,由于我们已经研究了数十年,因此我们通常假定我们几乎了解基本代谢的所有知识。例如,我们从80年代初就知道,2,6-二磷酸果糖的变构调节在调节动植物的糖酵解中起着重要作用。 这可能是代谢研究似乎是有点过时了。但是,如果我们寻找其他生物,例如大肠杆菌或酵母,我们很快就会意识到新陈代谢是由复杂的相互连接的信号网络控制的,而我们对人类和植物中的这些信号网络了解得很少。 <事实证明,细胞会记录许多代谢产物,并且通过涉及钙和激素的复杂信号网络来调节通过该通路的通量。



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