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Two New Clock Proteins LWD1 and LWD2 Regulate Arabidopsis Photoperiodic Flowering




The “light” signal from the environment sets the circadian clock to regulate multiple physiological processes for optimal rhythmic growth and development. One such process is the control of flowering time by photoperiod perception in plants. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the flowering time is determined by the correct interconnection of light input and signal output by the circadian clock. The identification of additional clock proteins will help to better dissect the complex nature of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Here, we show LIGHT-REGULATED WD1 (LWD1)/LWD2 as new clock proteins involved in photoperiod control. The lwd1lwd2 double mutant has an early-flowering phenotype, contributed by the significant phase shift of CONSTANS (CO), and, therefore, an increased expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) before dusk. Under entrainment conditions, the expression phase of oscillator (CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 [CCA1], LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL [LHY], TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 [TOC1], and EARLY FLOWERING4 [ELF4]) and output (GIGANTEA, FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX1, CYCLING DOF FACTOR1, CO, and FT) genes in the photoperiod pathway shifts approximately 3 h forward in the lwd1lwd2 double mutant. Both the oscillator (CCA1, LHY, TOC1, and ELF4) and output (COLD, CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, AND RNA BINDING2 and CHLOROPHYLL A/B-BINDING PROTEIN2) genes have a short period length in the lwd1lwd2 double mutant. Our data imply that LWD1/LWD2 proteins function in close proximity to or within the circadian clock for photoperiodic flowering control.
机译:来自环境的“光”信号设置了生物钟,以调节多个生理过程,以实现最佳的节律性生长和发育。一种这样的过程是通过植物的光周期感知来控制开花时间。在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中,开花时间取决于昼夜节律时钟的光输入和信号输出的正确互连。鉴定其他时钟蛋白将有助于更好地剖析拟南芥中生物钟的复杂性质。在这里,我们显示了光调节WD1(LWD1)/ LWD2作为参与光周期控制的新时钟蛋白。 lwd1lwd2双突变体具有早期开花的表型,这是由于CONSTANS(CO)的显着相移所致,因此,在黄昏之前FLOWERING LOCUS T(FT)的表达增加。在夹带条件下,振荡器(CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 [CCA1],晚期加长的hypocotyl [LHY],CAB EXPRESSION1 [TOC1]的时序和早期花期[4] [ELF4])的表达阶段和输出(GIGANTEA,FLAVIN-BINDING,KELCH) ,F-BOX1,循环自由度因子1 CO FT )基因在光周期途径中向前移动约3小时lwd1lwd2 双突变体。振荡器( CCA1 LHY TOC1 ELF4 )和输出( COLD,CIRCADIAN节奏,RNA BINDING2 叶绿素A / B结合蛋白2 )基因在 lwd1lwd2 双突变体中具有较短的周期长度。我们的数据表明,LWD1 / LWD2蛋白在昼夜节律时钟附近或内部起作用,以进行光周期开花控制。



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