首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Plant Physiology >Symplastic Transport of Carboxyfluorescein in Staminal Hairs of Setcreasea purpurea Is Diffusive and Includes Loss to the Vacuole

Symplastic Transport of Carboxyfluorescein in Staminal Hairs of Setcreasea purpurea Is Diffusive and Includes Loss to the Vacuole

机译:碳荧光素在Setcreasea purpurea的雄性毛中的共生运输具有扩散性并且包括对液泡的损失。



The kinetics of symplastic transport in staminal hairs of Setcreasea purpurea was studied. The tip cell of a staminal hair was microinjected with carboxyfluorescein (CF) and the symplastic transport of this CF was videotaped and the digital data analyzed to produce kinetic curves. Using a finite difference equation for diffusion between cells and for loss of dye into the vacuole, kinetic curves were calculated and fitted to the observed data. These curves were matched with data from actual microinjection experiments by adjusting K (the coefficient of intercellular junction diffusion) and L (the coefficient of intracellular loss) until a minimum in the least squares difference between the curves was obtained. (a) Symplastic transport of CF was governed by diffusion through intercellular pores (plasmodesmata) and intracellular loss. Diffusion within the cell cytoplasm was never limiting. (b) Each cell and its plasmodesmata must be considered as its own diffusion system. Therefore, a diffusion coefficient cannot be calculated for an entire chain of cells. (c) The movement through plasmodesmata in either direction was the same since the data are fit by a diffusion equation. (d) Diffusion through the intercellular pores was estimated to be slower than diffusion through similar pores filled with water.
机译:研究了紫斑狼疮(Setcreasea purpurea)口毛中共生传递的动力学。用羧基荧光素(CF)显微注射了尾部毛发的尖端细胞,并录制了该CF的共形转运,并分析了数字数据以生成动力学曲线。使用有限差分方程计算细胞之间的扩散以及染料向液泡中的损失,计算动力学曲线并将其拟合至观察到的数据。通过调整K(细胞间连接扩散系数)和L(细胞内损失系数),将这些曲线与实际显微注射实验的数据相匹配,直到获得曲线之间最小二乘方差的最小值。 (a)CF的增生性转运受细胞间孔(胞浆)的扩散和细胞内损失的支配。细胞质内的扩散从未受到限制。 (b)必须将每个细胞及其胞浆瘤视为其自身的扩散系统。因此,不能为整个单元链计算扩散系数。 (c)由于数据通过扩散方程拟合,因此在任一方向上通过等离子藻的移动均相同。 (d)据估计,通过细胞间孔的扩散要比通过填充水的类似孔的扩散慢。



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