首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Plant Physiology >Microspectrofluorometric Measurement of Chloroplast DNA in Dividing and Expanding Leaf Cells of Spinacia oleracea

Microspectrofluorometric Measurement of Chloroplast DNA in Dividing and Expanding Leaf Cells of Spinacia oleracea




Absolute DNA amounts of individual chloroplasts from mesophyll and epidermal cells of developing spinach leaves were measured by microspectrofluorometry using the DNA-specific stain, 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole, and the bacterium, Pediococcus damnosus, as an internal standard. Values obtained by this method showed that DNA amounts of individual chloroplasts from mesophyll cells fell within a normal distribution curve, although mean DNA amounts changed during leaf development and also differed from the levels in epidermal chloroplasts. There was no evidence in the data of plastids containing either the high or low levels of DNA which would be indicative of discontinuous polyploidy of plastids, or of division occurring in only a small subpopulation of chloroplasts. By contrast, the distribution of nuclear DNA amounts in the same leaf tissues in which cell division was known to be occurring showed a clear bimodal distribution. We consider that the distribution of chloroplast DNA in the plastid population shows that there is no S-phase of chloroplast DNA synthesis, all chloroplasts in the population in young leaf cells synthesize DNA, and all chloroplasts divide.
机译:使用DNA特异性染色剂4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole和细菌Pedamcoccus damnosus作为内标,通过显微分光荧光法测量了来自发育中的菠菜叶的叶肉和表皮细胞中单个叶绿体的绝对DNA量。通过这种方法获得的值表明,尽管叶平均在叶片发育过程中发生了变化,并且与表皮叶绿体中的水平不同,但叶肉细胞中各个叶绿体的DNA量仍在正态分布曲线内。在质体数据中没有证据表明DNA含量高或低,这表明质体的多倍体不连续,或仅在少量的叶绿体亚群中发生分裂。相反,在已知发生细胞分裂的同一叶组织中,核DNA量的分布显示出明显的双峰分布。我们认为叶绿体DNA在质体群体中的分布表明没有叶绿体DNA合成的S期,幼叶细胞中叶绿体DNA中的所有叶绿体都可以合成DNA,并且所有叶绿体都分裂。



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