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An Investigation into the Role of Photosynthesis in Regulating ATP Levels and Rates of H+ Efflux in Isolated Meosphyll Cells

机译:光合作用在调节叶肉细胞中ATP水平和H +外排速率中的作用的研究



Aerated and stirred 10-ml suspensions of mechanically isolated Asparagus sprengeri Regel mesophyll cells were used for simultaneous measurements of net H+ efflux and steady-state ATP levels.Initial rates of medium acidification indicated values for H+ efflux in the light and dark of 0.66 and 0.77 nanomoles H+/106 cells per minute, respectively. When the medium pH was maintained at 6.5, with a pH-stat apparatus, rates of H+ efflux remained constant. Darkness or DCMU, however, stimulated H+ efflux by 100% or more. Darkness increased ATP levels by 33% and a switch from dark to light reduced ATP levels by 31%. In the absence of aeration, illumination prevented the accumulation of respiratory CO2 and the buffering capacity of the medium was about 50% less than that found in the nonilluminated nonaerated medium. As a result, rates of pH decline were similar even though the dark rate of H+ efflux was approximately 50% greater.Proposals that photosynthesis stimulates H+ efflux are based on changes in the rate of pH decline. The present data indicate that photosynthesis inhibits H+ efflux and that changes in rates of pH decline should not be equated with changes in the rate of H+ efflux.
机译:机械分离的芦笋芦笋叶肉细胞的充气和搅拌的10 ml悬浮液用于同时测量净H + 外排量和稳态ATP水平。中等酸化的初始速率指示H + / 10 6 细胞的明暗 外排。当使用pH调节器将培养基的pH维持在6.5时,H + 的流出速率保持恒定。然而,黑暗或DCMU刺激H + 外排100%或更多。黑暗使ATP含量增加了33%,从暗到亮的转换使ATP含量降低了31%。在没有通气的情况下,光照可阻止呼吸道CO2的积聚,并且介质的缓冲能力比未光照的未充气介质低约50%。结果,即使H + 外排的暗率高出约50%,pH下降的速率也相似。光合作用刺激H + 外排的提议是基于变化的pH下降的速度。目前的数据表明光合作用抑制了H + 的外排,pH下降速率的变化不应等同于H + 的外排速率的变化。



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