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Home at last III: Transferring Uechtritzia and Asian Gerbera species into Oreoseris (Compositae Mutisieae)




Recently the Asian Gerbera species were shown to form a clade that was not the sister group of the African Gerbera. In this study, the position of the Asian Gerbera species was further assessed based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analyses that included six Asian Gerbera and 26 other species from the Gerbera-complex. Morphological results showed that the six Asian Gerbera species, which were sampled, bear leaves with the adaxial epidermal surface lacking stomates, possess bracteate scapes and lack inner ray florets. These characters suggest that the Asian Gerbera species are most closely related to the species of Uechtritzia, which also share similar pollen grain size and shape with the Asian Gerbera, rather than to the African Gerbera. Furthermore, the phylogenetic results based on two nuclear (ITS and ETS) and three chloroplast (trnL–trnF, trnL–rpl32 and trnC–petN) sequences strongly support the Asian Gerbera and Uechtritzia forming a clade, with the latter nested within the Asian Gerbera species. Both morphological and molecular phylogenetic data thus confirmed the taxonomic identity of the Asian Gerbera and Uechtritzia. The authors herein formally treat the nine species of the Asian Gerbera and the three species of Uechtritzia as members of the genus Oreoseris, which is the earliest generic name of this lineage and has the nomenclatural priority.
机译:最近,亚洲非洲菊物种显示出形成进化枝,而不是非洲非洲菊的姊妹群。在这项研究中,基于形态学和分子系统发育分析,进一步评估了亚洲非洲菊的地位,其中包括六个非洲菊和来自非洲菊复合体的其他26个物种。形态学结果表明,采样的6个亚洲 非洲菊 物种带有叶片,叶片的表皮表面缺乏气孔,有bra骨的花s,没有内部的射线小花。这些字符表明,亚洲 非洲菊 物种与< em> Uechtritzia ,与亚洲 < em class =“ taxon-name”> 非洲菊 ,而不是非洲的 < em class =“ genus”>非洲菊 。此外,基于两个核(ITS和ETS)和三个叶绿体( trn L– trn F, trn L– rpl 32和 trn C– pet N)序列强烈支持亚洲 非洲菊 Uechtritzia em>形成分支,后者嵌套在亚洲 非洲菊 物种内。因此,形态学和分子系统发育数据都证实了亚洲 非洲菊 和< em> Uechtritzia 。本文的作者正式对待亚洲的 =“ emb =” taxon-name“> 非洲菊 的9种 Uechtritzia 作为属的成员 Oreoseris ,这是该谱系的最早通用名称,具有命名优先权。



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