首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Live long and prosper: durable benefits of early-life care in banded mongooses

Live long and prosper: durable benefits of early-life care in banded mongooses




Kin selection theory defines the conditions for which altruism or ‘helping’ can be favoured by natural selection. Tests of this theory in cooperatively breeding animals have focused on the short-term benefits to the recipients of help, such as improved growth or survival to adulthood. However, research on early-life effects suggests that there may be more durable, lifelong fitness impacts to the recipients of help, which in theory should strengthen selection for helping. Here, we show in cooperatively breeding banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) that care received in the first 3 months of life has lifelong fitness benefits for both male and female recipients. In this species, adult helpers called ‘escorts’ form exclusive one-to-one caring relationships with specific pups (not their own offspring), allowing us to isolate the effects of being escorted on later reproduction and survival. Pups that were more closely escorted were heavier at sexual maturity, which was associated with higher lifetime reproductive success for both sexes. Moreover, for female offspring, lifetime reproductive success increased with the level of escorting received per se, over and above any effect on body mass. Our results suggest that early-life social care has durable benefits to offspring of both sexes in this species. Given the well-established developmental effects of early-life care in laboratory animals and humans, we suggest that similar effects are likely to be widespread in social animals more generally. We discuss some of the implications of durable fitness benefits for the evolution of intergenerational helping in cooperative animal societies, including humans.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Developing differences: early-life effects and evolutionary medicine’.
机译:亲属选择理论定义了自然选择可能有利于利他主义或“帮助”的条件。该理论在合作繁殖动物中的测试集中于帮助对象的短期利益,例如生长的改善或成年后的存活。但是,有关早期生命影响的研究表明,对受助者可能会有更持久,终身的健康影响,从理论上讲,这应该加强对帮助的选择。在这里,我们证明了在带状猫鼬(Mungos mungo)的合作育种中,在出生后的前三个月得到的护理对男性和女性接受者都有终生健身益处。在这个物种中,成年帮工称为“护卫者”,与特定的幼崽(不是他们自己的后代)形成一对一的关爱关系,使我们能够隔离被护卫对以后的繁殖和生存的影响。陪伴更紧密的幼犬性成熟时较重,这与两性的终生生殖成功率较高有关。此外,对于雌性后代而言,终生生殖成功随着护送本身的增加而增加,超过了对体重的任何影响。我们的研究结果表明,早年社会照料对该物种的后代具有持久的好处。鉴于早期护理在实验动物和人类中已确立的发展作用,我们建议类似的影响可能会在更普遍的社会动物中广泛传播。我们讨论了持久健身益处对包括人类在内的合作动物社会的代际帮助的发展的某些意义。本文是“发展差异:早期生命效应和进化医学”主题问题的一部分。



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