
Cluster headache




Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache disease characterized by recurrent short-lasting attacks (15 to 180 minutes) of excruciating unilateral periorbital pain accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic signs (lacrimation, nasal congestion, ptosis, miosis, lid edema, redness of the eye). It affects young adults, predominantly males. Prevalence is estimated at 0.5–1.0/1,000. CH has a circannual and circadian periodicity, attacks being clustered (hence the name) in bouts that can occur during specific months of the year. Alcohol is the only dietary trigger of CH, strong odors (mainly solvents and cigarette smoke) and napping may also trigger CH attacks. During bouts, attacks may happen at precise hours, especially during the night. During the attacks, patients tend to be restless. CH may be episodic or chronic, depending on the presence of remission periods. CH is associated with trigeminovascular activation and neuroendocrine and vegetative disturbances, however, the precise cautive mechanisms remain unknown. Involvement of the hypothalamus (a structure regulating endocrine function and sleep-wake rhythms) has been confirmed, explaining, at least in part, the cyclic aspects of CH. The disease is familial in about 10% of cases. Genetic factors play a role in CH susceptibility, and a causative role has been suggested for the hypocretin receptor gene. Diagnosis is clinical. Differential diagnoses include other primary headache diseases such as migraine, paroxysmal hemicrania and SUNCT syndrome. At present, there is no curative treatment. There are efficient treatments to shorten the painful attacks (acute treatments) and to reduce the number of daily attacks (prophylactic treatments). Acute treatment is based on subcutaneous administration of sumatriptan and high-flow oxygen. Verapamil, lithium, methysergide, prednisone, greater occipital nerve blocks and topiramate may be used for prophylaxis. In refractory cases, deep-brain stimulation of the hypothalamus and greater occipital nerve stimulators have been tried in experimental settings. The disease course over a lifetime is unpredictable. Some patients have only one period of attacks, while in others the disease evolves from episodic to chronic form.
机译:丛集性头痛(CH)是一种主要的头痛疾病,其特征是反复发作的短暂持续发作(15至180分钟),使单侧眼眶周围疼痛难以忍受,并伴有同侧的自主神经体征(催泪,鼻充血,上睑下垂,瞳孔缩小,眼睑浮肿,眼睛发红) )。它影响年轻人,主要是男性。患病率估计为0.5–1.0 / 1,000。 CH有一个周期性和昼夜节律的周期,攻击集中在回合中(因此而得名),可能会在一年中的特定月份发生。酒精是CH的唯一饮食诱因,强烈的气味(主要是溶剂和香烟烟雾)和午睡也可能引发CH发作。在比赛期间,攻击可能会在精确的时间发生,尤其是在夜间。发作期间,患者容易躁动不安。 CH可能是发作性或慢性的,具体取决于缓解期的存在。 CH与三叉神经血管激活,神经内分泌和营养障碍有关,但是,确切的预防机制仍然未知。下丘脑受累(调节内分泌功能和觉醒节律的结构)已得到证实,至少部分解释了CH的周期性。该病是家族性的,约占10%。遗传因素在CH易感性中起作用,并且已提出对降钙素受体基因有致病作用。诊断是临床的。鉴别诊断包括其他原发性头痛疾病,例如偏头痛,阵发性偏头痛和SUNCT综合征。目前尚无治疗方法。有有效的治疗方法可缩短疼痛发作(急性治疗)并减少每日发作次数(预防性治疗)。急性治疗基于舒马普坦和高流量氧气的皮下给药。维拉帕米,锂,甲基异麦角胺,泼尼松,更大的枕神经阻滞和托吡酯可用于预防。在难治性病例中,已经在实验环境中尝试了下脑丘脑的深部刺激和更大的枕骨神经刺激器。一生中的疾病进程是无法预测的。一些患者只有一个发作期,而在另一些情况下,该病则从发作演变为慢性。



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