首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Nucleic Acids Research >CD absorption and thermodynamic analysis of repeating dinucleotide DNA RNA and hybrid duplexes d/r(AC)12.d/r(GT/U)12 and the influence of phosphorothioate substitution.

CD absorption and thermodynamic analysis of repeating dinucleotide DNA RNA and hybrid duplexes d/r(AC)12.d/r(GT/U)12 and the influence of phosphorothioate substitution.

机译:CD重复二核苷酸DNARNA和杂交双链体d / r(AC) 12. d / r(GT / U) 12的吸收和热力学分析以及硫代磷酸酯取代的影响。



Circular dichroism (CD) spectra and melting temperature (Tm) data for five duplexes containing phosphorothioate linkages were compared with data for four unmodified duplexes to assess the effect of phosphorothioate modification on the structure and stability of DNA. DNA and DNA.RNA duplexes. Nine duplexes were formed by mixing oligomers 24 nt long in 0.15 M K+(phosphate buffer), pH 7.0. Unmodified DNA.DNA and RNA.RNA duplexes were used as reference B-form and A-form structures. The CD spectra of the modified hybrids S-d(AC)12.r(GU)12 and r(AC)12.S-d(GT)12 differed from each other but were essentially the same as the spectra of the respective unmodified hybrids. They were more A-form than B-form in character. CD spectra of duplexes S-d(AC)12.d(GT)12 and d(AC)12.S-d(GT)12 were similar to that of d(AC)12.d(GT)12, except for a reduced long wavelength CD band. Sulfur modifications on both strands of the DNA duplex caused a pronounced effect on its CD spectrum. The order of thermal stability was: RNA.RNA > DNA.DNA > DNA.RNA > S-DNA.DNA > S-DNA. RNA > S-DNA.S-DNA. Phosphorothioation of one strand decreased the melting temperature by 7.8+/-0.6 degrees C, regardless of whether the substitution was in a hybrid or DNA duplex. Thermodynamic parameters were obtained from a multistate analysis of the thermal melting profiles. Interestingly, the destabilizing effect of the phosphorothioate substitution appears to arise from a difference in the entropy upon forming the DNA.DNA duplexes, while the destabilizing effect in the DNA.RNA hybrids appears to come from a difference in enthalpy.
机译:将五个含硫代磷酸酯键的双链体的圆二色性(CD)光谱和熔融温度(Tm)数据与四个未修饰的双链体的数据进行比较,以评估硫代磷酸酯修饰对DNA的结构和稳定性的影响。 DNA和DNA.RNA双链体。通过将长24 nt的低聚物在0.15 M K +(磷酸盐缓冲液),pH 7.0中混合来形成九个双链体。未修饰的DNA.DNA和RNA.RNA双链体被用作参考B型和A型结构。修饰的杂种S-d(AC)12.r(GU)12和r(AC)12.S-d(GT)12的CD光谱彼此不同,但是与各个未修饰的杂种的光谱基本相同。他们在性格上更像是A形式而不是B形式。双链体Sd(AC)12.d(GT)12和d(AC)12.Sd(GT)12的CD谱类似于d(AC)12.d(GT)12的CD光谱CD乐队。 DNA双链体两条链上的硫修饰均对其CD光谱产生了明显影响。热稳定性的顺序为:RNA.RNA> DNA.DNA> DNA.RNA> S-DNA.DNA> S-DNA。 RNA> S-DNA.S-DNA。一条链的硫代磷酸化作用将熔化温度降低了7.8 +/- 0.6摄氏度,无论取代是在杂种还是DNA双链体中进行。从热熔曲线的多态分析获得热力学参数。有趣的是,硫代磷酸酯取代的去稳定作用似乎是由于形成DNA.DNA双链体时熵的不同而引起的,而DNA.RNA杂种中的去稳定作用似乎是由于焓的差异而引起的。



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