首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Neuropsychopharmacology >Effects of Oral and Intravenous Administration of Buspirone on Food–Cocaine Choice in Socially Housed Male Cynomolgus Monkeys

Effects of Oral and Intravenous Administration of Buspirone on Food–Cocaine Choice in Socially Housed Male Cynomolgus Monkeys




Drugs acting at D3 dopamine receptors have been suggested as medications for cocaine dependence. These experiments examined the effects of intravenously and orally administered buspirone, a D2-like receptor antagonist with high affinity for D3 and D4 receptors, on the relative reinforcing strength of cocaine in group-housed male cynomolgus monkeys. Use of socially housed monkeys permitted the assessment of whether social status, known to influence D2-like receptor availability, modulates the behavioral effects of buspirone. Buspirone was administered acutely to monkeys self-administering cocaine under a food–drug choice procedure in which a cocaine self-administration dose–effect curve was determined daily. When administered by either route, buspirone significantly decreased cocaine choice in dominant-ranked monkeys. In subordinate monkeys, however, i.v. buspirone was ineffective on average, and oral buspirone increased choice of lower cocaine doses. The effects of buspirone only differed according to route of administration in subordinate monkeys. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the effects of buspirone were similar to those of the D3 receptor-selective antagonist PG01037 and qualitatively different than those of less selective drugs that act at D2-like or serotonin (5-HT)1A receptors, suggesting a D3 and possibly D4 receptor mechanism of action for buspirone. Taken together, the data support the utility of drugs targeting D3/D4 receptors as potential treatments for cocaine addiction, particularly in combination with enriching environmental manipulations.
机译:已经有人提出对D3多巴胺受体起作用的药物是可卡因依赖性药物。这些实验研究了静脉注射和口服给予丁螺环酮(丁螺环酮,一种对D3和D4受体具有高亲和力的D2样受体拮抗剂)对可卡因在成群饲养的雄性食蟹猴中相对增强强度的作用。使用社交性猴子可以评估已知会影响D2样受体可用性的社交状态是否会调节丁螺环酮的行为影响。在食物-药物选择程序中,对自行服用可卡因的猴子急性给予丁螺环酮,其中每天测定一次可卡因自我给药的剂量-效应曲线。当通过任何一种途径给药时,丁螺环酮都会显着降低优势等级猴子的可卡因选择。但是,在下属猴子中丁螺环酮平均无效,口服丁螺环酮增加了较低可卡因剂量的选择。丁螺环酮的作用仅根据下属猴子的给药途径而有所不同。此外,值得注意的是,丁螺环酮的作用与D3受体选择性拮抗剂PG01037相似,并且与作用于D2样或5-羟色胺(5-HT)1A受体的选择性较低的药物在性质上有所不同,提示D3可能是丁螺环酮的D4受体作用机理。综上所述,数据支持靶向D3 / D4受体的药物作为可卡因成瘾的潜在疗法,特别是与丰富的环境操作相结合。



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