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Rapidly Neutralizable and Highly Anticoagulant Thrombin-Binding DNA Aptamer Discovered by MACE SELEX

机译:MACE SELEX发现的可快速中和和高度抗凝的凝血酶结合DNA适体



We present a rapidly neutralizable and highly anticoagulant thrombin-binding aptamer with a short toehold sequence, originally discovered by systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) with microbead-assisted capillary electrophoresis (MACE). MACE is a novel CE-partitioning method for SELEX and able to separate aptamers from a library of unbound nucleic acids, where the aptamer and target complexes can be detected reliably and partitioned with high purity even in the first selection cycle. Three selection rounds of MACE-SELEX discovered several TBAs with a nanomolar affinity (Kd = 4.5–8.2 nM) that surpasses previously reported TBAs such as HD1, HD22, and NU172 (Kd = 118, 13, and 12 nM, respectively). One of the obtained aptamers, M08, showed a 10- to 20-fold longer prolonged clotting time than other anticoagulant TBAs, such as HD1, NU172, RE31, and RA36. Analyses of the aptamer and thrombin complexes using both bare and coated capillaries suggested that a large number of efficient aptamers are missed in conventional CE-SELEX because of increased interaction between the complex and the capillary. In addition, the toehold-mediated rapid antidote was designed for safe administration. The efficient aptamer and antidote system developed in the present study could serve as a new candidate for anticoagulant therapy.
机译:我们提出了一种具有短脚趾序列的可快速中和且高度抗凝血的凝血酶结合适体,最初是通过配体通过微珠辅助毛细管电泳(MACE)的指数富集(SELEX)进行系统进化而发现的。 MACE是一种用于SELEX的新型CE分割方法,能够从未结合的核酸文库中分离适体,其中即使在第一个选择循环中,也可以可靠地检测适体和靶标复合物并以高纯度进行分配。 MACE-SELEX的三轮选择发现了几个具有纳摩尔摩尔亲和力(Kd = 4.5–8.2 nM)的TBA,超过了先前报道的TBA,例如HD1,HD22和NU172(Kd分别为118、13和12 nM)。获得的适体之一M08与其他抗凝血TBA(例如HD1,NU172,RE31和RA36)相比,凝血时间延长了10到20倍。使用裸毛细管和包被毛细管对适体和凝血酶复合物的分析表明,常规CE-SELEX缺少大量有效的适体,因为复合物和毛细管之间的相互作用增加。此外,脚趾介导的快速解毒剂是为安全给药而设计的。在本研究中开发的高效适体和解毒剂系统可以作为抗凝治疗的新候选者。



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