首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Life and times of the impact factor: retrospective analysis of trends for seven medical journals (1994-2005) and their Editors views

Life and times of the impact factor: retrospective analysis of trends for seven medical journals (1994-2005) and their Editors views




>Objective (1) To analyse trends in the journal impact factor (IF) of seven general medical journals (Ann Intern Med, BMJ, CMAJ, JAMA, Lancet, Med J Aust and N Engl J Med) over 12 years; and (2) to ascertain the views of these journals' past and present Editors on factors that had affected their journals' IFs during their tenure, including direct editorial policies.>Design Retrospective analysis of IF data from ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Reports—Science Edition, 1994 to 2005, and interviews with Editors-in-Chief.>Setting Medical journal publishing.>Participants Ten Editors-in-Chief of the journals, except Med J Aust, who served between 1999 and 2004.>Main outcome measures IFs and component numerator and denominator data for the seven general medical journals (1994 to 2005) were collected. IFs are calculated using the formula: (Citations in year z to articles published in years x and y)/(Number of citable articles published in years x and y), where z is the current year and x and y are the previous two years. Editors' views on factors that had affected their journals' IFs were also obtained.>Results IFs generally rose over the 12-year period, with the N Engl J Med having the highest IF throughout. However, percentage rises in IF relative to the baseline year of 1994 were greatest for CMAJ (about 500%) and JAMA (260%). Numerators for most journals tended to rise over this period, while denominators tended to be stable or to fall, although not always in a linear fashion. Nine of ten eligible editors were interviewed. Possible reasons given for rises in citation counts included: active recruitment of high-impact articles by courting researchers; offering authors better services; boosting the journal's media profile; more careful article selection; and increases in article citations. Most felt that going online had not affected citations. Most had no deliberate policy to publish fewer articles (lowering the IF denominator), which was sometimes the unintended result of other editorial policies. The two Editors who deliberately published fewer articles did so as they realized IFs were important to authors. Concerns about the accuracy of ISI counting for the IF denominator prompted some to routinely check their IF data with ISI. All Editors had mixed feelings about using IFs to evaluate journals and academics, and mentioned the tension between aiming to improve IFs and ‘keeping their constituents [clinicians] happy.’>Conclusions IFs of the journals studied rose in the 12-year period due to rising numerators and/or falling denominators, to varying extents. Journal Editors perceived that this occurred for various reasons, including deliberate editorial practices. The vulnerability of the IF to editorial manipulation and Editors' dissatisfaction with it as the sole measure of journal quality lend weight to the need for complementary measures.
机译:>目的(1)分析七种普通医学期刊(安·实习生,BMJ,CMAJ,JAMA,柳叶刀,Med J Aust和N Engl J Med)的期刊影响因子(IF)趋势。 12年; (2)确定这些期刊的前任和现任编辑对在任期内影响其期刊IF的因素的看法,包括直接编辑政策。>设计追溯分析ISI Web的IF数据1994年至2005年,《知识期刊引文报告》(科学版),并接受总编辑的采访。>设置医学期刊出版。>参与者除Med J Aust以外,其他期刊均在1999年至2004年之间服务。>主要成果指标收集了七种普通医学期刊(1994年至2005年)的IF和成分分子和分母数据。 IF的计算公式为:(在z年中对在x和y年中发表的文章的引用)/(在x年和y年中发表的可引用文章的数量),其中z是当前年份,x和y是前两年。 >结果 IF指数在过去的12年中普遍上升,其中N Engl J Med的IF指数最高。但是,相对于1994年基准年,IF的百分比增加最大的是CMAJ(大约500%)和JAMA(260%)。在此期间,大多数期刊的数字趋于上升,而分母趋于稳定或下降,尽管并不总是呈线性方式。十位合格的编辑中有九位接受了采访。引文数量增加的可能原因包括:吸引研究人员积极招募高影响力文章;为作者提供更好的服务;提高期刊的媒体形象;更仔细的文章选择;并增加了文章引用。大多数人认为上网并没有影响引用。大多数人没有蓄意的政策来发表更少的文章(降低IF分母),这有时是其他编辑政策的意外结果。两位故意减少发表文章的编辑之所以这样做,是因为他们意识到IF对作者很重要。对ISI对IF分母计数的准确性的担忧促使一些人定期使用ISI检查其IF数据。所有编辑对于使用IF来评估期刊和学术界的看法都充满了不同的看法,并提到了旨在改善IF并“让他们的成分(临床医生)感到满意”之间的紧张关系。>结论研究期刊的IF上升了。由于分子上升和/或分母下降的程度不同,为12年。期刊编辑认为这是出于各种原因,包括故意的编辑习惯。 IF作为编辑质量的唯一衡量标准,容易受到编辑操纵和编辑不满的影响,因此需要采取补充措施。



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