首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Risk factors for basal cell carcinoma in the UK: case-control study in 806 patients.

Risk factors for basal cell carcinoma in the UK: case-control study in 806 patients.




Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the commonest malignant neoplasm in white people. We present a large UK case-control study in which conditional logistic regression analysis of age-matched and gender-matched data sets was used to compare, first, cases with controls (n = 403) and second, patients having multiple BCC with those having a single BCC (n = 278). Eye/hair colour, occupation, skin type, social class, tumour site at presentation and smoking history were assessed. Social class 1/2, skin type 1, red/blonde hair and blue/green eyes were all related to BCC risk, social class most strongly (odds ratio 2.36, P = 0.007). Truncal site at presentation was a risk factor for the development of multiple BCC (odds ratio 4.03, P = 0.002). These data support the view that genetically mediated differences in ultraviolet responsiveness are important in BCC, though the scale of their effect is small. They may be exploitable in primary and secondary prevention as well as giving insights into pathogenesis. In particular, the fact that patients presenting with a truncal tumour are at increased risk of further BCC suggests that intermittent exposure in genetically predisposed individuals may contribute to a cancer susceptibility syndrome.
机译:基底细胞癌(BCC)是白种人中最常见的恶性肿瘤。我们提出了一项大型的英国病例对照研究,其中使用年龄匹配和性别匹配的数据集的条件逻辑回归分析来比较具有对照(n = 403)的病例和其次具有多个BCC的患者与具有对照的患者一个BCC(n = 278)。评估眼睛/头发的颜色,职业,皮肤类型,社会阶层,出现时的肿瘤部位和吸烟史。社会阶层1/2,皮肤类型1,红色/金发和蓝色/绿色眼睛都与BCC风险相关,社会阶层关系最为密切(赔率比2.36,P = 0.007)。出现时的Truncal部位是多发性BCC发展的危险因素(比值4.03,P = 0.002)。这些数据支持这样一种观点,即紫外线介导的遗传介导差异在BCC中很重要,尽管其影响程度很小。它们可用于一级和二级预防以及深入了解发病机理。特别是,患有截尾肿瘤的患者发生进一步BCC的风险增加,这一事实表明,遗传易感人群中的间歇性暴露可能会导致癌症易感性综合症。



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