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Hidden genomic evolution in a morphospecies—The landscape of rapidly evolving genes in Tetrahymena




A morphospecies is defined as a taxonomic species based wholly on morphology, but often morphospecies consist of clusters of cryptic species that can be identified genetically or molecularly. The nature of the evolutionary novelty that accompanies speciation in a morphospecies is an intriguing question. Morphospecies are particularly common among ciliates, a group of unicellular eukaryotes that separates 2 kinds of nuclei—the silenced germline nucleus (micronucleus [MIC]) and the actively expressed somatic nucleus (macronucleus [MAC])—within a common cytoplasm. Because of their very similar morphologies, members of the Tetrahymena genus are considered a morphospecies. We explored the hidden genomic evolution within this genus by performing a comprehensive comparative analysis of the somatic genomes of 10 species and the germline genomes of 2 species of Tetrahymena. These species show high genetic divergence; phylogenomic analysis suggests that the genus originated about 300 million years ago (Mya). Seven universal protein domains are preferentially included among the species-specific (i.e., the youngest) Tetrahymena genes. In particular, leucine-rich repeat (LRR) genes make the largest contribution to the high level of genome divergence of the 10 species. LRR genes can be sorted into 3 different age groups. Parallel evolutionary trajectories have independently occurred among LRR genes in the different Tetrahymena species. Thousands of young LRR genes contain tandem arrays of exactly 90-bp exons. The introns separating these exons show a unique, extreme phase 2 bias, suggesting a clonal origin and successive expansions of 90-bp–exon LRR genes. Identifying LRR gene age groups allowed us to document a Tetrahymena intron length cycle. The youngest 90-bp exon LRR genes in T. thermophila are concentrated in pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions of the 5 micronuclear chromosomes, suggesting that these regions act as genome innovation centers. Copies of a Tetrahymena Long interspersed element (LINE)-like retrotransposon are very frequently found physically adjacent to 90-bp exon/intron repeat units of the youngest LRR genes. We propose that Tetrahymena species have used a massive exon-shuffling mechanism, involving unequal crossing over possibly in concert with retrotransposition, to create the unique 90-bp exon array LRR genes.
机译:形态物种被定义为完全基于形态学的分类学物种,但是形态物种通常由可以通过遗传或分子鉴定的隐性物种簇组成。在形态物种中伴随物种形成的进化新奇的性质是一个有趣的问题。纤毛虫在纤毛虫中特别常见,纤毛虫是在单个细胞质内将两种核(沉默的种系核(微核[MIC])和活跃表达的体细胞核(巨核[MAC]))分开的单细胞真核生物。由于四膜虫属的形态非常相似,因此被认为是形态种。通过对10种四膜虫的体细胞基因组和2种四膜虫的种系基因组进行全面的比较分析,我们探索了该属中的隐藏基因组进化。这些物种具有很高的遗传差异。系统生物学分析表明该属起源于大约3亿年前(Mya)。在物种特异性(即最年轻的)四膜虫基因中优先包含七个通用蛋白质结构域。特别是,富含亮氨酸的重复(LRR)基因对10个物种的高水平基因组差异做出了最大贡献。 LRR基因可以分为3个不同年龄组。平行的进化轨迹已经在不同的四膜虫物种的LRR基因之间独立发生。成千上万的年轻LRR基因包含正好90 bp外显子的串联阵列。分离这些外显子的内含子显示出独特的极端2期偏倚,表明克隆起源和90 bp外显子LRR基因的连续扩增。鉴定LRR基因年龄组可以使我们记录四膜虫内含子长度周期。嗜热毁丝菌中最年轻的90 bp外显子LRR基因集中在5个微核染色体的着丝粒和亚端粒区域,这表明这些区域充当了基因组创新中心。四膜虫长散在元件(LINE)样反转录转座子的副本非常常见,在物理上与最年轻的LRR基因的90 bp外显子/内含子重复单元相邻。我们建议四膜虫物种已使用大规模的外显子改组机制,涉及不等的交叉,可能与逆转座配合,以创建独特的90 bp外显子阵列LRR基因。



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