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MTHFR Genetic Polymorphism As a Risk Factor in Egyptian Mothers with Down Syndrome Children




Recent reports linking Down syndrome (DS) to maternal polymorphisms at the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene locus have generated great interest among investigators in the field. The present study aimed at evaluation of MTHFR 677C/T and 1298A/C polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene as maternal risk factors for DS. Forty two mothers of proven DS outcomes and forty eight control mothers with normal offspring were included. Complete medical and nutritional histories for all mothers were taken with special emphasis on folate intake. Folic acid intake from food or vitamin supplements was significantly low (below the Recommended Daily Allowance) in the group of case mothers compared to control mothers. Frequencies of MTHFR 677T and MTHFR 1298C alleles were significantly higher among case mothers (32.1% and 57.1%, respectively) compared to control mothers (18.7% and 32.3%, respectively). Heterozygous and homozygous genotype frequencies of MTHFR at position 677 (CT and TT) were higher among case mothers than controls (40.5% versus 25% and 11.9% versus 6.2%, respectively) with an odds ratio of 2.34 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93–5.89) and 2.75 (95% CI 0.95–12.77), respectively. Interestingly, the homozygous genotype frequency (CC) at position 1298 was significantly higher in case mothers than in controls (33.3% versus 2.1% respectively) with an odds ratio of 31.5 (95% CI 3.51 to 282.33) indicating that this polymorphism may have more genetic impact than 677 polymorphism. Heterozygous genotype (AC) did not show significant difference between the two groups. We here report on the first pilot study of the possible genetic association between DS and MTHFR 1298A/C genotypes among Egyptians. Further extended studies are recommended to confirm the present work.
机译:将唐氏综合症(DS)与亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)基因位点的母亲多态性联系起来的最新报道引起了该领域研究人员的极大兴趣。本研究旨在评估MTHFR基因中的MTHFR 677C / T和1298A / C多态性,作为DS的母体危险因素。包括DS结果证实的42位母亲和后代正常的48位对照母亲。记录了所有母亲的完整医学和营养史,特别强调了叶酸的摄入。与对照组母亲相比,病例组的母亲从食物或维生素补充剂中摄入的叶酸明显较低(低于建议的每日津贴)。与对照母亲(分别为18.7%和32.3%)相比,病例母亲的MTHFR 677T和MTHFR 1298C等位基因频率显着更高(分别为32.1%和57.1%)。案例母亲中,M677R在677位(CT和TT)的杂合和纯合基因型频率高于对照组(分别为40.5%对25%和11.9%对6.2%),优势比为2.34(95%置信区间[CI]分别为0.93–5.89)和2.75(95%CI 0.95–12.77)。有趣的是,在病例1298中,母亲的纯合基因型频率(CC)显着高于对照组(分别为33.3%和2.1%),优势比为31.5(95%CI 3.51至282.33),表明该多态性可能具有更多基因影响比677多态。两组之间的杂合子基因型(AC)没有显示显着差异。我们在此报告了埃及人DS和MTHFR 1298A / C基因型之间可能的遗传关联的第一个初步研究。建议进一步扩展研究以确认当前的工作。



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