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Dopaminergic Drug Effects on Probability Weighting during Risky Decision Making




Dopamine has been associated with risky decision-making, as well as with pathological gambling, a behavioral addiction characterized by excessive risk-taking behavior. However, the specific mechanisms through which dopamine might act to foster risk-taking and pathological gambling remain elusive. Here we test the hypothesis that this might be achieved, in part, via modulation of subjective probability weighting during decision making. Human healthy controls (n = 21) and pathological gamblers (n = 16) played a decision-making task involving choices between sure monetary options and risky gambles both in the gain and loss domains. Each participant played the task twice, either under placebo or the dopamine D2/D3 receptor antagonist sulpiride, in a double-blind counterbalanced design. A prospect theory modelling approach was used to estimate subjective probability weighting and sensitivity to monetary outcomes. Consistent with prospect theory, we found that participants presented a distortion in the subjective weighting of probabilities, i.e., they overweighted low probabilities and underweighted moderate to high probabilities, both in the gain and loss domains. Compared with placebo, sulpiride attenuated this distortion in the gain domain. Across drugs, the groups did not differ in their probability weighting, although gamblers consistently underweighted losing probabilities in the placebo condition. Overall, our results reveal that dopamine D2/D3 receptor antagonism modulates the subjective weighting of probabilities in the gain domain, in the direction of more objective, economically rational decision making.
机译:多巴胺与危险的决策,病理性赌博有关,后者是一种以过度冒险行为为特征的行为成瘾。然而,多巴胺可能通过哪些机制来促进冒险和病理性赌博仍是可望而不可及的。在这里,我们测试了这一假设,即可以通过在决策过程中调整主观概率加权来部分实现这一假设。人类健康的对照(n = 21)和病态的赌徒(n = 16)扮演了一项决策任务,涉及在收益和损失领域中,确定货币期权和风险赌博之间的选择。每个参与者在双盲平衡设计下,在安慰剂或多巴胺D2 / D3受体拮抗剂舒必利下都完成了两次任务。前景理论建模方法用于估计主观概率加权和对货币结果的敏感性。与前景理论相一致,我们发现参与者在概率的主观权重上出现了扭曲,即在收益和损失领域中,他们对低概率的权重过高而对中等至高概率的权重低。与安慰剂相比,舒必利在增益域中减弱了这种失真。尽管赌博者始终低估了安慰剂条件下的丧失机率,但在各种药物上,两组的概率权重没有差异。总体而言,我们的研究结果表明,多巴胺D2 / D3受体拮抗作用可在更客观,经济合理的决策方向上调节增益域中的主观概率加权。



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