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Chemical contaminants in breast milk and their impacts on childrens health: an overview.




Human milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains the optimal balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for developing babies, and it provides a range of benefits for growth, immunity, and development. Unfortunately, breast milk is not pristine. Contamination of human milk is widespread and is the consequence of decades of inadequately controlled pollution of the environment by toxic chemicals. The finding of toxic chemicals in breast milk raises important issues for pediatric practice, for the practice of public health, and for the environmental health research community. It also illuminates gaps in current knowledge including a) insufficient information on the nature and levels of contaminants in breast milk; b) lack of consistent protocols for collecting and analyzing breast milk samples; c) lack of toxicokinetic data; and d) lack of data on health outcomes that may be produced in infants by exposure to chemicals in breast milk. These gaps in information impede risk assessment and make difficult the formulation of evidence-based health guidance. To address these issues, there is a need for a carefully planned and conducted national breast milk monitoring effort in the United States. Additionally, to assess health outcomes of toxic exposures via breast milk, it will be necessary to examine children prospectively over many years in longitudinal epidemiologic studies that use standardized examination protocols that specifically assess breast milk exposures. Finally, current risk assessment methods need to be expanded to include consideration of the potential risks posed to infants and children by exposures to chemical residues in breast milk.
机译:母乳是婴儿的最佳营养来源。母乳含有发育中的婴儿的脂肪,碳水化合物和蛋白质的最佳平衡,它为生长,免疫和发育提供了一系列好处。不幸的是,母乳不是原始的。人乳污染很普遍,是数十年来有毒化学物质无法充分控制环境污染的结果。在母乳中发现有毒化学物质对儿科实践,公共卫生实践以及环境卫生研究界提出了重要问题。它还阐明了当前知识上的空白,包括:a)关于母乳中污染物的性质和水平的信息不足; b)缺乏用于收集和分析母乳样品的一致方案; c)缺乏毒代动力学数据; d)缺乏可能因接触母乳中的化学物质而对婴儿产生健康后果的数据。这些信息差距阻碍了风险评估,使制定循证健康指南变得困难。为了解决这些问题,需要在美国进行精心计划和进行的全国母乳监测工作。另外,为了评估通过母乳接触有毒物质的健康结果,有必要在纵向流行病学研究中对儿童进行多年的前瞻性检查,这些研究使用专门评估母乳接触的标准化检查方案。最后,目前的风险评估方法需要扩展,以考虑暴露于母乳中的化学残留物对婴儿和儿童造成的潜在风险。



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