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Correlates for Completion of 3-Dose Regimen of HPV Vaccine in Female Members of a Managed Care Organization




OBJECTIVE: To examine the rate and correlates of completion of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV4) 3-dose regimen because nonadherence to the regimen may adversely affect vaccine efficacy.PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Female members of Kaiser Permanente Southern California who were 9 to 26 years old, received the first dose of HPV4 between October 2006 and March 2007, and maintained health plan membership 12 months afterward were identified and followed up for regimen completion. We examined the following: (1) demographics/socioeconomic status, (2) primary care physician characteristics, (3) historical health service utilization, (4) women's health-related conditions, and (5) selected immune-related conditions for their association with completion in 2 age groups: 9 to 17 years and 18 to 26 years. Multivariable log-binomial regression was used to directly estimate relative risk (RR).RESULTS: Of the 34,193 females who initiated HPV4, the completion rate was 41.9% in the 9- to 17-year-old group and 47.1% in the 18- to 26-year-old group. Black race (RR, 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64-0.77) and lower neighborhood education level were associated with lower regimen completion. However, those in the 9- to 17-year-old group who were covered by the state-subsidized program Medi-Cal were more likely to complete the regimen (RR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.07-1.22). Historical hospitalizations and emergency department visits (RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.87-0.96; and RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.94-0.98 per visit, respectively) and having a pediatrician were also predictors of noncompletion. A history of sexually transmitted diseases, abnormal Papanicolaou test results, and immune-related conditions (eg, asthma/infections) were not associated with regimen completion.CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that factors such as race or socioeconomic status should be considered when human papillomavirus vaccination programs are being designed and evaluated.
机译:目的:研究四价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(HPV4)3剂量方案的完成率和相关性,因为不坚持该方案可能会对疫苗效力产生不利影响。对象和方法:南加州凯撒永久医学中心的女性成员(9至26岁)岁,在2006年10月至2007年3月之间接受了第一剂HPV4,并在12个月后确定了维持健康计划的成员身份,并随访以完成治疗方案。我们检查了以下方面:(1)人口统计/社会经济状况,(2)初级保健医师的特征,(3)历史医疗服务利用,(4)妇女与健康有关的状况以及(5)与她们相关的选定的免疫有关状况并在2个年龄段完成:9至17岁和18至26岁。结果:在发起HPV4的34193名女性中,9至17岁组的完成率为41.9%,而18岁至18岁的组为47.1%。到26岁的小组。黑人种族(RR,0.70; 95%置信区间[CI],0.64-0.77)和较低的社区教育水平与较低的方案完成率相关。但是,在9到17岁的组中,受国家补助计划Medi-Cal覆盖的人更有可能完成该方案(RR,1.14; 95%CI,1.07-1.22)。既往住院和急诊就诊(分别为RR,0.92; 95%CI,0.87-0.96; RR,0.96; 95%CI,0.94-0.98,每次访视),并有儿科医生也是未完成的预测指标。性传播疾病的病史,Papanicolaou测试结果异常以及与免疫相关的状况(例如哮喘/感染)与方案完成无关。结论:这些发现表明,在人类乳头瘤病毒感染时应考虑种族或社会经济状况等因素疫苗接种计划正在设计和评估中。



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