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Specificity of monoclonal antibodies against human thyroglobulin; comparison with autoimmune antibodies.




Ten monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed against human thyroglobulin (hTgb) were produced, purified and characterized. The mAb avidity for hTgb ranged from 10(-10) to 10(-6) M. The species specificity of the mAb was as follows: eight mAb reacted with monkey Tgb, three with dog Tgb and one with pig Tgb; none with bovine and ovine Tgb. The binding of mAb to hTgb was not significantly inhibited in the presence of Tgb carbohydrate moieties, tyrosine, iodotyrosines and iodothyronines. The topology of the antigenic determinants recognized by the 10 mAb on hTgb was explored by inhibition of Tgb binding of radiolabeled mAb by the other antibodies. Six distinct clusters of reactivity were described. Localization of the antigenic determinants recognized by mAb on hTgb was attempted using tryptic fragments of hTgb to inhibit the binding of mAb to hTgb. The inhibitory effect of hydrolysis products was different for each mAb but exhibited partial analogies between mAb of the same cluster of reactivity. Anti-hTgb autoimmune antibodies (aAb) purified from sera of Graves patients cross-reacted essentially with mAb of one out of the six clusters. These results demonstrate that the large number of antigenic determinants presented by the hTgb are not disseminated on the molecule but are clustered in antigenic regions. Furthermore, from the six antigenic regions evidenced in this paper, only one is involved in autoimmune antibody production in Grave's disease.
机译:产生,纯化和鉴定了十种针对人甲状腺球蛋白(hTgb)的单克隆抗体(mAb)。 hTgb的mAb亲和力范围为10(-10)到10(-6)M。mAb的物种特异性如下:8个mAb与猴子Tgb反应,3个与狗Tgb反应,1个与猪Tgb反应;没有与牛和绵羊Tgb。在存在Tgb碳水化合物部分,酪氨酸,碘酪氨酸和碘甲状腺素的情况下,mAb与hTgb的结合没有被显着抑制。通过其他抗体抑制放射性标记的mAb的Tgb结合,探索了hTgb上10 mAb识别的抗原决定簇的拓扑。描述了六个不同的反应性簇。使用hTgb的胰蛋白酶片段尝试抑制mAb在hTgb上的抗原决定簇的定位,以抑制mAb与hTgb的结合。每个mAb水解产物的抑制作用均不同,但在同一反应性簇的mAb之间显示出部分类比。从Graves患者血清中纯化的抗hTgb自身免疫抗体(aAb)基本上与六个簇之一中的mAb发生交叉反应。这些结果表明,hTgb呈递的大量抗原决定簇未在分子上扩散,而是聚集在抗原区域。此外,从本文证明的六个抗原区域中,只有一个参与了格雷夫氏病自身免疫抗体的产生。



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