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Comparative Effectiveness of Up To Three Lines of ChemotherapyTreatment Plans for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer




Modern chemotherapy agents transformed standard care for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) but raised concerns about the financial burden of the disease. We studied comparative effectiveness of treatment plans that involve up to three lines of therapies and impact of treatment sequencing on health and cost outcomes. We employed a Markov model to represent the dynamically changing health status of mCRC patients and used Monte-Carlo simulation to evaluate various treatment plans consistent with existing guidelines. We calibrated our model by a meta-analysis of published data from an extensive list of clinical trials and measured the effectiveness of each plan in terms of cost per quality-adjusted life year. We examined the sensitivity of our model and results with respect to key parameters in two scenarios serving as base case and worst case for patients’ overall and progression-free survivals. The derived efficient frontiers included seven and five treatment plans in base case and worst case, respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) ranged between $26,260 and $152,530 when the treatment plans on the efficient frontiers were compared against the least costly efficient plan in the base case, and between $21,256 and $60,040 in the worst case. All efficient plans were expected to leadto fewer than 2.5 adverse effects and on average successive adverse effects werespaced more than 9 weeks apart from each other in the base case. Based on ICER,all efficient treatment plans exhibit at least 87% chance of being efficient.Sensitivity analyses show that the ICERs were most dependent on drug acquisitioncost, distributions of progression-free and overall survivals, and healthutilities. We conclude that improvements in health outcomes may come at highincremental costs and are highly dependent in the order treatments areadministered.
机译:现代化疗药物改变了转移性大肠癌(mCRC)的标准治疗方法,但引起了人们对该疾病经济负担的担忧。我们研究了涉及多达三类疗法的治疗计划的相对有效性以及治疗顺序对健康和成本结果的影响。我们采用马尔可夫模型表示mCRC患者动态变化的健康状况,并使用蒙特卡洛模拟法评估与现有指南一致的各种治疗计划。我们通过对大量临床试验中已发布数据的荟萃分析对模型进行了校准,并根据每个质量调整生命年的成本衡量了每个计划的有效性。我们在两种情况下检查了模型和结果对关键参数的敏感性,这两种情况是患者总体生存和无进展生存的基础情况和最坏情况。得出的有效边界分别包括基本情况和最坏情况的七个和五个治疗计划。当将有效边疆的治疗计划与基本情况下成本最低的有效计划进行比较时,增量成本效益比(ICER)在$ 26,260和$ 152,530之间,在最坏情况下,则在$ 21,256和$ 60,040之间。所有有效的计划都有望引领不良反应少于2.5次,平均连续不良反应为在基本案例中,彼此间隔9个星期以上。基于ICER,所有有效的治疗计划都至少显示出87%的有效机会。敏感性分析表明,ICER最依赖于药物获取成本,无进展生存率和总体生存率分布以及健康状况实用程序。我们得出结论,健康结果的改善可能很高成本增加,并且高度依赖于订单处理管理。



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