首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM >Traditional Japanese Kampo Medicine: Clinical Research between Modernity and Traditional Medicine—The State of Research and Methodological Suggestions for the Future

Traditional Japanese Kampo Medicine: Clinical Research between Modernity and Traditional Medicine—The State of Research and Methodological Suggestions for the Future




The Japanese traditional herbal medicine, Kampo, has gradually reemerged and 148 different formulations (mainly herbal extracts) can be prescribed within the national health insurance system. The objective of this article is to introduce Kampo and to present information from previous clinical studies that tested Kampo formulae. In addition, suggestions on the design of future research will be stated. The literature search was based on a summary, up until January 2009, by the Japanese Society of Oriental Medicine and included only those trials which were also available in either Pubmed or ICHUSHI (Japan Medical Abstracts Society). We included 135 studies, half of these studies (n = 68) used a standard control and 28 a placebo control. Thirty-seven trials were published in English [all randomized controlled trials (RCTs)] and the remaining articles were in Japanese only. The sample size for most studies was small (two-third of the studies included less than 100 patients) and the overall methodological quality appeared to be low. None of the studies used Kampo diagnosis as the basis for the treatment. In order to evaluate Kampo as a whole treatment system, certain aspects should be taken into account while designing studies. RCTs are the appropriate study design to test efficacy or effectiveness; however, within the trial the treatment could be individualized according to the Kampo diagnosis. Kampo is a complex and individualized treatment with a long tradition, and it would be appropriate for further research on Kampo medicine to take this into account.
机译:日本传统草药Kampo逐渐重新流行起来,可以在国家健康保险体系中开出148种不同的配方(主要是草药提取物)。本文的目的是介绍Kampo并提供以前测试过Kampo配方的临床研究中的信息。此外,还将提出有关未来研究设计的建议。文献检索基于直到2009年1月日本东方医学会的摘要,并且仅包括Pubmed或ICHUSHI(日本医学文摘学会)也提供的那些试验。我们纳入了135项研究,其中一半研究(n = 68)使用了标准对照,而28项是安慰剂对照。 37项试验以英文发表[所有随机对照试验(RCT)],其余文章仅以日语发表。大多数研究的样本量很小(三分之二的研究包括少于100名患者),总体方法学质量似乎很低。没有一项研究使用坎波诊断作为治疗的基础。为了评估Kampo整体治疗系统,在设计研究时应考虑某些方面。 RCT是测试疗效或有效性的合适研究设计;但是,在试验中,可以根据Kampo诊断对治疗进行个体化。 Kampo是一种历史悠久的复杂而个性化的治疗方法,考虑到这一点,适合进行进一步的Kampo医学研究。



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