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Progress and Challenges for Implementation of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Policy on Biotechnology and Biosafety




In 2001, the Meeting of the COMESA Ministers of Agriculture raised concerns that proliferation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could impact significantly on trade and food security in the region. This triggered studies on a regional approach to biotechnology and biosafety policy in Eastern and Southern Africa. The studies and stakeholder consultations revealed that farm incomes would increase if they switched from conventional varieties of cotton and maize to genetically modified (GM) counterparts. Commercial risks associated with exports to GM sensitive destinations, e.g., EU were negligible. Intra-regional trade would be affected since exports of GM sensitive commodities, such as maize, cotton, and soya bean, mainly go to other African countries. These findings justified the need to consider a regional approach to biosafety and led to the drafting of a regional policy in 2009. The draft policies were discussed in regional and national workshops between 2010 and 2012 for wider ownership. The workshops involved key stakeholders including ministries of agriculture, trade, environment, national biosafety focal points, biosafety competent authorities, academia, seed traders, millers, the media, food relief agencies, the industry, civil society, competent authorities, and political opinion leaders. The COMESA Council of Ministers in February 2014 adopted the COMESA policy on biotechnology and biosafety that takes into account the sovereign right of each member state. Key provisions of the policy include recognition of the benefits and risks associated with GMOs; establishment of a regional-level biosafety risk-assessment system; national-level final decision, and capacity building assistance to member states. The policies are the first regional effort in Africa to develop a coordinated mechanism for handling biosafety issues related to GMO use. A regional approach to biotechnology and biosafety is expected to foster inter-country cooperation through the sharing of knowledge, expertise, experiences, and resources.
机译:在2001年,东南非共同市场的农业部长会议对转基因生物的扩散可能对该区域的贸易和粮食安全产生重大影响表示关注。这引发了对东部和南部非洲生物技术和生物安全政策的区域方法的研究。这些研究和利益相关者的咨询表明,如果农场从传统的棉花和玉米品种转为转基因品种,农场收入将增加。与出口至转基因敏感目的地(例如欧盟)有关的商业风险可以忽略不计。区域内贸易将受到影响,因为对转基因敏感的商品(如玉米,棉花和大豆)的出口主要销往其他非洲国家。这些发现证明有必要考虑采用区域性生物安全方法,并导致在2009年起草了一项区域政策。2010年至2012年间在区域和国家研讨会上讨论了政策草案,以扩大所有权。讲习班的主要利益攸关方包括农业部,贸易部,环境部,国家生物安全联络点,生物安全主管部门,学术界,种子贸易商,磨坊主,媒体,粮食救济机构,工业界,民间社会,主管部门和政治舆论领袖。 2014年2月,东南非共同市场部长理事会通过了东南非共同市场关于生物技术和生物安全的政策,其中考虑到了每个成员国的主权。该政策的主要规定包括承认与转基因生物有关的利益和风险;建立区域一级的生物安全风险评估系统;国家一级的最终决定,以及对成员国的能力建设援助。这些政策是非洲为发展协调机制来处理与转基因生物使用有关的生物安全问题而进行的第一个区域性努力。有望通过生物技术和生物安全的区域方法,通过共享知识,专门知识,经验和资源来促进国家间的合作。



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