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Surprising Conformers of the Biologically Important A·T DNA Base Pairs: QM/QTAIM Proofs

机译:生物学上重要的A·T DNA碱基对的惊人构象体:QM / QTAIM证明



For the first time novel high-energy conformers–A·T(wWC) (5.36), A·T(wrWC) (5.97), A·T(wH) (5.78), and A·T(wrH) (ΔG = 5.82 kcal·mol−1) (See >Graphical Abstract) were revealed for each of the four biologically important A·T DNA base pairs – Watson-Crick A·T(WC), reverse Watson-Crick A·T(rWC), Hoogsteen A·T(H) and reverse Hoogsteen A·T(rH) at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of quantum-mechanical theory in the continuum with ε = 4 under normal conditions. Each of these conformers possesses substantially non-planar wobble (w) structure and is stabilized by the participation of the two anti-parallel N6H/N6H′…O4/O2 and N3H…N6 H-bonds, involving the pyramidalized amino group of the A DNA base as an acceptor and a donor of the H-bonding. The transition states – TSA·T(WC)↔A·T(wWC), TSA·T(rWC)↔A·T(wrWC), TSA·T(H)↔A·T(wH), and TSA·T(rH)↔A·T(wrH), controlling the dipole-active transformations of the conformers from the main plane-symmetric state into the high-energy, significantly non-planar state and vice versa, were localized. They also possess wobble structures similarly to the high-energy conformers and are stabilized by the participation of the N6H/N6H′…O4/O2 and N3H…N6 H-bonds. Discovered conformers of the A·T DNA base pairs are dynamically stable short-lived structures [lifetime τ = (1.4–3.9) ps]. Their possible biological significance and future perspectives have been briefly discussed.
机译:首次提出新型高能构象异构体-A·T(wWC)(5.36),A·T(wrWC)(5.97),A·T(wH)(5.78)和A·T(wrH)(ΔG=揭示了四个生物学上重要的A·T DNA碱基对– Watson-Crick A·T(WC)的5.82 kcal·mol −1 )(请参见>图形摘要)。 ),在MP2 / aug-cc-pVDZ // B3LYP / 6-311 ++ G(d)上反转Watson-Crick A·T(rWC),Hoogsteen A·T(H)和反向Hoogsteen A·T(rH)。 ,p)在正常条件下ε= 4的连续体中的量子力学理论水平。这些构象异构体中的每一个都具有基本上非平面的摆动(w)结构,并通过两个反平行的N6H / N6H'... O4 / O2和N3H ... N6 H键的参与而稳定,这些键涉及A的金字塔状氨基DNA碱基作为H键的受体和供体。过渡状态– TSA·T(WC)↔A·T(wWC),TSA·T(rWC)↔A·T(wrWC),TSA·T(H)↔A·T(wH)和TSA·T (rH)↔A·T(wrH)局部控制了构象子从主平面对称状态到高能(明显为非平面状态)的偶极活动转换,反之亦然。它们还具有类似于高能构象异构体的摆动结构,并通过N6H / N6H'... O4 / O2和N3H ... N6 H键的参与得以稳定。发现的A·T DNA碱基对的构象异构体是动态稳定的短寿命结构[寿命τ=(1.4–3.9)ps]。简要讨论了它们可能的生物学意义和未来前景。



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