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Beyond Inhibition: A Dual-Process Perspective to Renew the Exploration of Binge Drinking




Binge drinking is a widespread alcohol-consumption pattern in youth and is linked to cognitive consequences, mostly for executive functions. However, other crucial factors remain less explored in binge drinking and notably the emotional-automatic processes. Dual-process model postulates that addictive disorders are not only due to impaired reflective system (involved in deliberate behaviors), but rather to an imbalance between under-activated reflective system and over-activated affective-automatic one (involved in impulsive behaviors). This proposal has been confirmed in alcohol-dependence, but has not been tested in binge drinking. The observation of comparable impairments in binge drinking and alcohol-dependence led to the “continuum hypothesis,” suggesting similar deficits across different alcohol-related disorders. In this perspective, applying the dual-process model to binge drinking might renew the understanding of this continuum hypothesis. A three-axes research agenda will be proposed, exploring: (1) the affective-automatic system in binge drinking; (2) the systems’ interactions and imbalance in binge drinking; (3) the evolution of this imbalance in the transition between binge drinking and alcohol-dependence.
机译:暴饮暴食是年轻人中广泛的饮酒方式,并且与认知后果相关,主要是对执行功能的影响。然而,在暴饮暴食中,尤其是在情绪自动过程中,其他关键因素的研究仍较少。双过程模型假定成瘾性疾病不仅是由于反射系统受损(涉及故意行为),而且是由于激活不足的反射系统与过度激活的情感自动系统(涉及冲动行为)之间的不平衡造成的。该提议已在酒精依赖中得到证实,但尚未在暴饮酒中得到测试。暴饮和酒精依赖的可比性损害的观察结果导致了“连续性假设”,表明在与酒精有关的各种疾病中也存在类似的缺陷。从这个角度来看,将双过程模型应用于暴饮暴食可能会重新认识这一连续性假设。将提出一个三轴研究议程,探讨:(1)狂饮的情感自动系统; (2)系统之间的互动和暴饮不平衡; (3)暴饮和酒精依赖之间的这种不平衡的演变。



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