首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Endocrinology >Modern India and the Tale of Twin Nutrient Deficiency–Calcium and Vitamin D–Nutrition Trend Data 50 Years-Retrospect Introspect and Prospect

Modern India and the Tale of Twin Nutrient Deficiency–Calcium and Vitamin D–Nutrition Trend Data 50 Years-Retrospect Introspect and Prospect

机译:现代印度与双营养素缺乏症的故事–钙和维生素D – 50年营养趋势数据-回顾反思和展望



Vitamin D and calcium are essential nutrients for bone health, to achieve peak bone mass and to preserve bone as age advances. A deficiency in these nutrients casts a long shadow in later life in the form of short/long latency diseases–rickets/osteomalacia/osteoporosis. There is scant review available about the trend of these nutrients in India. For over past half a century, the intake of dietary calcium, milk, milk products, and cereals has declined drastically in the background of upward revision of RDA/RDI in modern India. This is attributed to changing lifestyle, inadequate milk consumption across various socio-economic strata, and shift in dietary intake from cereals to rice and wheat. There is a clear rural–urban divide in consumption of milk, milk products and cereals, a change in dietary habits which magnify the calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Revisiting of RDA guidelines for calcium along with public health measures is required to tackle the morbidity arising due to the deficiency in these nutrients. Any measure to addresses this issue in isolation, without achieving the desired benefits, is a disservice to the population. Population based educational strategies, government measures, leveraging technology, adequate sun exposure and food fortification help in tackling the twin nutrient deficiencies in this diverse country.
机译:维生素D和钙是骨骼健康必不可少的营养素,可达到峰值骨量并随着年龄的增长而保护骨骼。这些营养素的缺乏以短/长潜伏期疾病(rick病/骨软化症/骨质疏松症)的形式在以后的生活中蒙上了阴影。关于印度这些营养素趋势的评论很少。在过去的半个多世纪中,在现代印度RDA / RDI上调的背景下,饮食中钙,奶,奶制品和谷物的摄入量急剧下降。这归因于生活方式的改变,各个社会经济阶层的牛奶消费不足以及饮食摄入从谷类转向大米和小麦。奶,奶制品和谷物的消费存在明显的城乡差异,饮食习惯的改变加剧了钙和维生素D的缺乏。需要重新审视RDA钙指南以及公共卫生措施,以解决由于这些营养素缺乏引起的发病率。任何孤立地解决这个问题的措施,如果没有实现预期的利益,对民众都是不利的。以人口为基础的教育策略,政府措施,利用技术,充足的日光照射和食品强化可以帮助解决这个多元化国家的双重营养缺乏症。



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