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Adaptive Multisensorial Physiological and Social: The Next Generation of Telerehabilitation Systems




Some people require special treatments for rehabilitating physical, cognitive or even social capabilities after an accident or degenerative illness. However, the ever-increasing costs of looking after an aging population, many of whom suffer chronic diseases, is straining the finances of healthcare systems around Europe. This situation has given rise to a great deal of attention being paid to the development of telerehabilitation (TR) systems, which have been designed to take rehabilitation beyond hospitals and care centers. In this article, we propose which features should be addressed in the development of TR systems, that is, they should consider adaptive, multisensorial, physiological and social aspects. For this aim, the research project Vi-SMARt is being conducted for evaluating whether and how different technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), multi-sensorial feedback, or telemonitoring, may be exploited for the development of the next generation of TR systems. Beyond traditional aural and visual feedback, the exploitation of haptic sense by using devices such as haptic gloves or wristbands, can provide patients with additional guidance in the rehabilitation process. For telemonitoring, Electroencephalography (EEG) devices show signs of being a promising approach, not only to monitor patients’ emotions, but also to obtain neuro-feedback useful for controlling his/her interaction with the system and thus to provide a better rehabilitation experience.
机译:有些人需要特殊治疗,以在发生事故或退化性疾病后恢复其身体,认知甚至社会能力。但是,照顾老龄化人口(其中许多人患有慢性疾病)的成本不断增加,这正在困扰欧洲各地的医疗保健系统。这种情况引起了人们对远程康复(TR)系统的开发的极大关注,该系统旨在将康复工作带到医院和护理中心之外。在本文中,我们建议在TR系统的开发中应解决哪些功能,即,它们应该考虑适应性,多感官,生理和社会方面。为此目的,正在开展研究项目Vi-SMARt,以评估是否可以以及如何利用不同的技术(例如虚拟现实(VR),多传感器反馈或远程监控)来开发下一代TR系统。 。除了传统的听觉和视觉反馈之外,通过使用诸如触觉手套或腕带之类的设备来开发触觉,还可以为患者提供康复过程中的其他指导。对于远程监护,脑电图(EEG)设备显示出一种有前途的方法的迹象,不仅可以监视患者的情绪,而且可以获得神经反馈,可用于控制患者与系统的交互,从而提供更好的康复体验。



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