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Encoding Conditions Affect Recognition of Vocally Expressed Emotions Across Cultures




Although the expression of emotions in humans is considered to be largely universal, cultural effects contribute to both emotion expression and recognition. To disentangle the interplay between these factors, play-acted and authentic (non-instructed) vocal expressions of emotions were used, on the assumption that cultural effects may contribute differentially to the recognition of staged and spontaneous emotions. Speech tokens depicting four emotions (anger, sadness, joy, fear) were obtained from German radio archives and re-enacted by professional actors, and presented to 120 participants from Germany, Romania, and Indonesia. Participants in all three countries were poor at distinguishing between play-acted and spontaneous emotional utterances (58.73% correct on average with only marginal cultural differences). Nevertheless, authenticity influenced emotion recognition: across cultures, anger was recognized more accurately when play-acted (z = 15.06, p < 0.001) and sadness when authentic (z = 6.63, p < 0.001), replicating previous findings from German populations. German subjects revealed a slight advantage in recognizing emotions, indicating a moderate in-group advantage. There was no difference between Romanian and Indonesian subjects in the overall emotion recognition. Differential cultural effects became particularly apparent in terms of differential biases in emotion attribution. While all participants labeled play-acted expressions as anger more frequently than expected, German participants exhibited a further bias toward choosing anger for spontaneous stimuli. In contrast to the German sample, Romanian and Indonesian participants were biased toward choosing sadness. These results support the view that emotion recognition rests on a complex interaction of human universals and cultural specificities. Whether and in which way the observed biases are linked to cultural differences in self-construal remains an issue for further investigation.
机译:尽管人们认为情感表达在很大程度上是普遍的,但是文化效应有助于情感表达和识别。为了弄清这些因素之间的相互作用,在假定文化效应可能对识别阶段性和自发性情绪有不同贡献的前提下,使用了情绪的演奏和真实的(非指示性的)声音表达。从德国广播档案馆获得了描绘四种情绪(愤怒,悲伤,喜悦,恐惧)的语音令牌,并由专业演员重新制定,并赠送给来自德国,罗马尼亚和印度尼西亚的120名参与者。所有这三个国家的参与者都无法区分玩耍行为和自发性情感言语(只有58%的平均文化差异,平均正确率)。然而,真实性会影响情绪识别:在不同的文化中,扮演角色时的愤怒(z = 15.06,p <0.001)被更准确地识别,而真实的悲伤感(z = 6.63,p <0.001)被更准确地识别,复制了德国人的先前发现。德国受试者在识别情绪方面显示出轻微优势,这表明他们具有中等的团体优势。罗马尼亚人和印度尼西亚人在整体情感识别上没有差异。就情感归因的不同偏见而言,文化差异的影响尤为明显。尽管所有参与者都将玩耍的表情标记为愤怒的频率比预期的要高,但德国参与者表现出了进一步的偏向,即倾向于选择对自然刺激的愤怒。与德国的样本相反,罗马尼亚和印度尼西亚的参与者偏向于选择悲伤。这些结果支持这样一种观点,即情感识别取决于人类普遍性和文化特性的复杂相互作用。观察到的偏见是否以及以何种方式与自我建构中的文化差异有关仍是一个有待进一步研究的问题。



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