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Problem Gambling among Young People in Sub-Saharan Africa




Gambling is a cross-cultural and global activity which typically involves the wagering of money or an item of monetary value on an outcome that is governed by chance. Although gambling is positioned as a legitimate recreational and leisure activity within sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), there is widespread recognition among healthcare professionals and policy-makers that gambling has the capacity to become dysfunctional in a minority. Emerging knowledge suggests that problem gambling is rapidly evolving in to a public health concern in SSA, especially among youth. This article focuses on problem gambling among young people in SSA with an emphasis on three key themes: (1) gambling behavior and patterns in SSA; (2) public health and socioeconomic implications of gambling in SSA; and (3) public health policies and interventions for addressing this issue. We believe that collaborative efforts between government, prevention specialists, legislators, researchers, treatment providers, and other stake holders can influence the uptake of research findings necessary to implement social policies and design effective public health intervention options to combat problem gambling and its associated implications among young people in SSA.
机译:赌博是一种跨文化和全球性的活动,通常涉及对由偶然性决定的结果进行货币下注或货币价值项目。尽管赌博被定位为撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)内的合法休闲活动,但在医疗保健专业人员和决策者中,人们普遍认识到赌博具有在少数人群中变得功能失调的能力。新兴的知识表明,问题赌博正在SSA中迅速演变为公共卫生问题,尤其是在年轻人中。本文着重于SSA年轻人中的问题赌博,并着重于三个关键主题:(1)SSA中的赌博行为和模式; (2)在撒哈拉以南非洲地区赌博对公共健康和社会经济的影响; (3)解决这一问题的公共卫生政策和干预措施。我们认为,政府,预防专家,立法者,研究人员,治疗提供者和其他利益相关者之间的合作努力可以影响对实施社会政策和设计有效的公共卫生干预措施以打击赌博问题及其相关影响所必需的研究结果的采用。 SSA中的年轻人。



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