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Models for Predicting Time to Sputum Conversion Among Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in Lagos South–West Nigeria




>Background: Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) develops due to problems such as irregular drug supply, poor drug quality, inappropriate prescription, and poor adherence to treatment. These factors allow the development and subsequent transmission of resistant strains of the pathogen. However, due to the chronic nature of MDR-TB, cure models allow us to investigate the covariates that are associated with the long-term effects of time-to-sputum conversion among multi-drug resistant (MDR-TB) tuberculosis individuals. Therefore, this study was designed to develop suitable cure models that can predict time to sputum conversion among MDR-TB patients.>Methods: A retrospective clinic-based cohort study was conducted on 413 records of patients who were diagnosed of MDR-TB and met inclusion criteria from April 2012 to October 2016 at the Infectious Disease Hospital, Lagos. The main outcome measure (time-to-sputum conversion) was the time from the date of MDR-TB treatment to the date of specimen collection for the first of two consecutive negative smear and culture taken 30 days apart. The predictor variables of interest include: demographic (age, gender and marital status) and clinical (registration group, number of drugs resistant to at treatment initiation, HIV status, diabetes status, and adherence with medication) characteristics. Kaplan-Meier estimates of a detailed survivorship pattern among the patients were examined using Cox regression models. Mixture Cox cure models were fitted to the main outcome variable using Log-normal, Log-logistic and Weibull models as alternatives to the violation of Proportional Hazard (PH) assumption. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used for models comparison based on different distributions, while the effect of predictors of time to sputum conversion was reported as Hazard Ratio (HR) at α0.05.>Results: Age was 36.8 ± 12.7 years, 60.8% were male and 67.6% were married. Majority of the patients (58.4%) converted to sputum negatives. Patients who were resistant to two drugs at treatment initiation had 39% rate of conversion than those resistant to at least three drugs [HR: 1.39; CI: 0.98, 1.98]. The likelihood of sputum conversion time was shorter among non-diabetic patients compared to diabetics [HR: 0.55; CI: 0.24, 0.85]. The overall median time for sputum conversion was 5.5 (IQR: 1.5–11.5). In the cure model, resistance to more drugs at the time of initiation was significantly associated with a longer time to sputum culture conversion for Log normal Cox mixture [2.06 (1.36–3.47)]; Log-logistic Cox mixture cure [2.56(1.85–4.09)]; and Weibull Cox mixture [2.81(1.94–4.19)]. Diabetic patients had a significantly higher sputum conversion rate compared to non-diabetics; Log-normal Cox mixture [2.03(1.17–3.58)]; Log-logistic Cox mixture cure [2.11(1.25–3.82)]; and Weibull Cox mixture [2.02(1.17–3.34)]. However, Log-normal PH model gave the best fit and provided the fitness statistics [(−2LogL: 519.84); (AIC: 1053.68); (BIC: 1078.04)]. The best fitting Log-normal PH model was Y = 1.00X1+2.06X2+0.98X3+2.03X4+ε where Y is time to sputum conversion and Xs are age, number of drugs, adherence, and diabetes status.>Conclusion: The models confirmed the presence of some factors related with sputum conversion time in Nigeria. The quantum of drugs resistant at treatment initiation and diabetes status would aid the clinicians in predicting the rate of sputum conversion of patients.
机译:>背景:多药耐药性结核病(MDR-TB)的出现是由于药品供应不规律,药品质量差,处方不当以及对治疗的依从性差等问题。这些因素允许病原体的抗性菌株的发展和随后的传播。然而,由于耐多药结核病的长期​​性,治愈模型使我们能够研究与耐多药结核病患者之间痰转化时间长远相关的协变量。因此,本研究旨在开发可预测耐多药结核病患者痰转化时间的合适治疗模型。>方法:基于临床回顾性队列研究对413例确诊患者进行了回顾性研究。从2012年4月至2016年10月,在拉各斯传染病医院接受了耐多药结核病的检测并达到纳入标准。主要结局指标(时间转换为痰液)是指从耐多药结核病治疗之日起至两次连续30次阴性涂片和培养中的第一个进行标本采集之日起的时间。感兴趣的预测变量包括:人口统计学(年龄,性别和婚姻状况)和临床(注册组,治疗开始时耐药的药物数量,HIV状况,糖尿病状况和药物依从性)特征。使用Cox回归模型检查了患者中详细生存模式的Kaplan-Meier估计。使用对数正态,对数对数和Weibull模型作为违反比例危害(PH)假设的替代方法,将混合Cox治愈模型拟合到主要结果变量。 Akaike信息准则(AIC)用于基于不同分布的模型比较,而痰转化时间的预测指标的危险比(HR)为α0.05。>结果: 36.8±12.7岁,男性为60.8%,已婚为67.6%。大多数患者(58.4%)转变为痰液阴性。在治疗开始时对两种药物产生抗药性的患者的转化率比对至少三种药物产生抗药性的患者的转化率高39%[HR:1.39; CI:0.98,1.98]。与糖尿病患者相比,非糖尿病患者的痰液转化时间更短[HR:0.55; CI:0.24,0.85]。痰液转化的总中位数时间为5.5(IQR:1.5-11.5)。在治愈模型中,开始时对更多药物的抗药性与Log正常Cox混合物的痰培养转化时间更长有关[2.06(1.36-3.47)];对数逻辑Cox混合物固化[2.56(1.85-4.09)];和Weibull Cox混合物[2.81(1.94-4.19)]。与非糖尿病患者相比,糖尿病患者的痰转化率明显更高;对数正态Cox混合物[2.03(1.17–3.58)];对数逻辑Cox混合物固化[2.11(1.25–3.82)];和Weibull Cox混合物[2.02(1.17–3.34)]。但是,对数正态PH模型提供了最佳拟合并提供了适应度统计信息[(−2LogL:519.84); (AIC:1053.68); (BIC:1078.04)]。对数正态PH值最合适的模型是Y = 1.00X1 + 2.06X2 + 0.98X3 + 2.03X4 +ε,其中Y是痰液转化时间,Xs是年龄,药物数量,依从性和糖尿病状态。>结论:该模型证实了尼日利亚存在与痰转化时间相关的一些因素。在治疗开始时具有抗药性的数量和糖尿病状态将有助于临床医生预测患者的痰转化率。



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