首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Public Health >Cannabis Use Among Remote Indigenous Australians: Opportunities to Support Change Identified in Two Waves of Sampling

Cannabis Use Among Remote Indigenous Australians: Opportunities to Support Change Identified in Two Waves of Sampling




>Background: Cannabis harms among Indigenous populations in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States may be magnified by poorer health and heavy use. However, little direct evidence is available to evaluate cannabis' impacts. In communities in remote northern Queensland (Australia) where cannabis has become endemic, opportunities to support change were investigated.>Methods: Opportunistically recruited participants (aged 15–49 years) discussed their cannabis use history in interviews in two waves of population sampling in Cape York (Queensland). Wave 1 included 429 people (235 males and 194 females); and wave 2 included 402 people (228 males and 174 females). Current users (used cannabis during the year before interview) described frequency of use, amount consumed, expenditure and dependence symptoms. Other substance use was recorded for 402 people at wave 2.>Results: Wave 1: 69% reported lifetime use and 44% current use. Males (55%) were more likely than females (30%) to be current users (P < 0.001). Most (96%) current users described at least weekly use; nearly half (48%) were “heavy” users (≥6 cones/session at least once/week) and 77% met cannabis dependence criteria. Three communities spent up to $AUD14,200/week on cannabis, around $AUD2.0 million/year, or around 9% of community people's total income on cannabis. The majority (79%) of current users wanted to quit or reduce their cannabis use. Wave 2: no difference was observed in the proportion of lifetime (69%, |z| = 0.04, P = 0.968) or current cannabis users (39%, |z| = 1.39, P = 0.164); nor current use among males (71%, |z| = 0.91, P = 0.363) or females (62%, |z| = 0.36, P = 0.719). However, a significant reduction in current users by 15% (|z| = 2.36, P = 0.018) was observed in one community. Of 105 wave 1 current users re-assessed in 2, 29 (27%) had ceased use. These participants reported cost and family commitments as reasons to change and that social support and employment enabled abstinence. Current and lifetime cannabis use were closely associated with all other substance use, particularly tobacco and alcohol (both P > 0.001).>Conclusions: High rates of heavy cannabis use in remote Australian Indigenous communities warrant action. Successful cessation among some individuals suggests that significant opportunities are available to support change even where cannabis use may be endemic.
机译:>背景:健康状况不佳和大量使用大麻可能会加剧澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大和美国土著居民的大麻危害。但是,很少有直接证据可用来评估大麻的影响。在昆士兰州北部偏远的社区(澳大利亚),大麻已成为地方性流行,调查了支持改变的机会。>方法:随机招募的参与者(15-49岁)在两次访谈中讨论了他们的大麻使用历史约克角(昆士兰州)的人口抽样浪潮。第一波包括429人(235名男性和194名女性);第二波包括402人(男性228人,女性174人)。当前用户(采访前一年中使用过的大麻)描述了使用频率,消耗量,支出和依赖性症状。在第2浪中记录了402人的其他物质使用情况。>结果::第1浪:报告的终身使用率为69%,当前使用率为44%。男性(55%)比女性(30%)更有可能成为当前用户(P <0.001)。多数(96%)当前用户表示至少每周使用一次;将近一半(48%)的使用者是“重度”使用者(至少每周一次,每次会话≥6个针筒),而有77%的人符合大麻依赖标准。三个社区每周在大麻上的支出高达$ 14,200澳元,每年约200万澳元,占社区居民大麻总收入的9%左右。当前用户中的大多数(79%)希望戒烟或减少其对大麻的使用。波浪2:未观察到寿命比例(69%,| z | = 0.04,P = 0.968)或当前大麻使用者(39%,| z | = 1.39,P = 0.164);男性(71%,| z | = 0.91,P = 0.363)或女性(62%,| z | = 0.36,P = 0.719)的当前使用情况。但是,在一个社区中,当前用户的使用量显着减少了15%(| z | = 2.36,P = 0.018)。在第2批105位第一波现有用户中,有29位(27%)停止了使用。这些参与者报告了费用和家庭承诺是改变的原因,并且社会支持和就业使节欲得以实现。当前和终生大麻的使用与所有其他物质的使用密切相关,尤其是烟草和酒精(均P> 0.001)。>结论:在偏远的澳大利亚土著社区大量使用大量大麻值得采取行动。在某些人中成功戒烟表明,即使在大麻流行的地方,也有大量机会支持变革。



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