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Its not black or white—on the range of vision and echolocation in echolocating bats




Around 1000 species of bats in the world use echolocation to navigate, orient, and detect insect prey. Many of these bats emerge from their roost at dusk and start foraging when there is still light available. It is however unclear in what way and to which extent navigation, or even prey detection in these bats is aided by vision. Here we compare the echolocation and visual detection ranges of two such species of bats which rely on different foraging strategies (Rhinopoma microphyllum and Pipistrellus kuhlii). We find that echolocation is better than vision for detecting small insects even in intermediate light levels (1–10 lux), while vision is advantageous for monitoring far-away landscape elements in both species. We thus hypothesize that, bats constantly integrate information acquired by the two sensory modalities. We suggest that during evolution, echolocation was refined to detect increasingly small targets in conjunction with using vision. To do so, the ability to hear ultrasonic sound is a prerequisite which was readily available in small mammals, but absent in many other animal groups. The ability to exploit ultrasound to detect very small targets, such as insects, has opened up a large nocturnal niche to bats and may have spurred diversification in both echolocation and foraging tactics.
机译:世界上大约有1000种蝙蝠使用回声定位来导航,定向和检测昆虫的猎物。这些蝙蝠中的许多蝙蝠是在黄昏时从栖息地出来的,并在仍有光照时开始觅食。然而,尚不清楚视觉如何帮助这些蝙蝠以何种方式和程度导航甚至捕食。在这里,我们比较了两种依赖不同觅食策略的蝙蝠的回声定位和视觉检测范围(小核皮小鼻虫和Pipistrellus kuhlii)。我们发现,即使在中等光照水平(1–10 lux)下,回声定位也比视觉检测小昆虫更好,而视觉对于监测两个物种中的远景元素均具有优势。因此,我们假设蝙蝠不断地整合由两种感觉方式获得的信息。我们建议在进化过程中,对回声定位进行改进以结合使用视觉来检测越来越小的目标。为此,必须具备听超声波的能力,这在小型哺乳动物中很容易获得,但在许多其他动物群中却没有。利用超声波来探测很小的目标(如昆虫)的能力为蝙蝠打开了一个夜间活动的利基市场,并可能刺激了回声定位和觅食策略的多样化。



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