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The Effects of Fat Body Tyramine Level on Gustatory Responsiveness of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Differ between Behavioral Castes

机译:脂肪体酪胺水平对行为种姓之间蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)鼻咽反应性的影响



Division of labor is a hallmark of social insects. In the honeybee (Apis mellifera) each sterile female worker performs a series of social tasks. The most drastic changes in behavior occur when a nurse bee, who takes care of the brood and the queen in the hive, transitions to foraging behavior. Foragers provision the colony with pollen, nectar or water. Nurse bees and foragers differ in numerous behaviors, including responsiveness to gustatory stimuli. Differences in gustatory responsiveness, in turn, might be involved in regulating division of labor through differential sensory response thresholds. Biogenic amines are important modulators of behavior. Tyramine and octopamine have been shown to increase gustatory responsiveness in honeybees when injected into the thorax, thereby possibly triggering social organization. So far, most of the experiments investigating the role of amines on gustatory responsiveness have focused on the brain. The potential role of the fat body in regulating sensory responsiveness and division of labor has large been neglected. We here investigated the role of the fat body in modulating gustatory responsiveness through tyramine signaling in different social roles of honeybees. We quantified levels of tyramine, tyramine receptor gene expression and the effect of elevating fat body tyramine titers on gustatory responsiveness in both nurse bees and foragers. Our data suggest that elevating the tyramine titer in the fat body pharmacologically increases gustatory responsiveness in foragers, but not in nurse bees. This differential effect of tyramine on gustatory responsiveness correlates with a higher natural gustatory responsiveness of foragers, with a higher tyramine receptor (Amtar1) mRNA expression in fat bodies of foragers and with lower baseline tyramine titers in fat bodies of foragers compared to those of nurse bees. We suggest that differential tyramine signaling in the fat body has an important role in the plasticity of division of labor through changing gustatory responsiveness.
机译:分工是社交昆虫的标志。在蜜蜂(蜜蜂)中,每个不育的女工执行一系列社交任务。行为最剧烈的变化发生在照顾蜜蜂和蜂巢中的女王的护士蜂转变为觅食行为时。觅食者向殖民地提供花粉,花蜜或水。护士蜂和觅食者在许多行为上都有差异,包括对味觉刺激的反应能力。反过来,味觉反应性的差异可能涉及通过不同的感觉反应阈值来调节分工。生物胺是行为的重要调节剂。酪胺和章鱼胺已被证明可在蜜蜂注入胸腔时增加其味觉反应,从而可能触发社交组织。到目前为止,大多数调查胺类对味觉反应的作用的实验都集中在大脑上。脂肪体在调节感觉反应和分工方面的潜在作用已被大大忽略。我们在这里调查了脂肪体在不同的社会角色中通过酪胺信号调节味觉响应的作用。我们量化了酪胺,酪胺受体基因表达的水平,以及升高脂肪体酪胺滴度对哺乳蜜蜂和觅食者的味觉响应的影响。我们的数据表明,通过药理学方法提高脂肪体中的酪胺滴度可以提高觅食者的味觉响应能力,而不能提高养蜂者的味觉响应能力。酪胺对味觉响应性的这种差异作用与觅食者的自然味觉响应性较高,觅食者脂肪体中的酪胺受体(Amtar1)mRNA表达较高以及觅食者脂肪体中的基线酪胺滴度较低(与护士蜜蜂相比) 。我们建议,通过改变味觉响应能力,脂肪体内的酪胺信号转导在分工的可塑性中具有重要作用。



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