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Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analysis of Dalbergia Odorifera Germplasm and Development of a Core Collection Using Microsatellite Markers




Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen (Fabaceae) is a woody tree species indigenous to Hainan Island in China. Due to its high medicinal and commercial value, this tree species has been planted over 3500 ha2 in southern China. There is an urgent need for improvement of the D. odorifera germplasm, however, limited information on germplasm collection, conservation, and assessment of genetic resources is available. Therefore, we have built a database of 251 individuals collected across the whole of southern China, which included 42 wild trees and 210 cultivated trees, with the following objectives. (1) Evaluate genetic diversity and population structure of the database using 19 microsatellite markers and (2) develop a core collection for improvement and breeding programs. Totally, the 19 microsatellite markers harbored 77 alleles across the database with the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranging from 0.03 to 0.66. Medium genetic diversity level was inferred by Nei’s gene diversity (0.38), Shannon’s information index (0.65), and observed (0.33) and expected heterozygosity (0.38). Structure analysis showed that four was the optimum cluster size using the model-based Bayesian procedure, and the 251 D. odorifera individuals were grouped into five populations including four pure ones (RP1-4) and one mixed one (MIX) based on their maximum membership coefficients. Among these populations, the expected heterozygosity varied from 0.30 (RP3) to 0.38 (RP4). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed 11% genetic variation existed among populations, and moderate population differentiation was inferred by the matrix of pairwise Fst (genetic differentiation among populations), which was in the range of 0.031 to 0.095. Moreover, a core collection of 31 D. odorifera individuals including six wild and 25 cultivated trees was developed, which was only 12.4% of the database but conserved the whole genetic diversity. The results of this study provided additional insight into the genetic structure of the large D. odorifera germplasm, and the core collection will be useful for the efficient and sustainable utilization of genetic resources, as well as efficient improvement in breeding programs.
机译:Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen(豆科)是中国海南岛特有的木本树种。由于具有很高的药用价值和商业价值,该树种已在中国南部种植了3500 ha 2 。迫切需要改善D. odorifera种质,但是,关于种质收集,保存和遗传资源评估的信息有限。因此,我们建立了一个涵盖整个华南地区的251个人的数据库,其中包括42棵野生树木和210棵栽培树木,其目标如下。 (1)使用19个微卫星标记评估数据库的遗传多样性和种群结构,(2)开发用于改良和育种计划的核心收藏。总共19个微卫星标记在数据库中包含77个等位基因,其多态信息含量(PIC)为0.03至0.66。通过Nei的基因多样性(0.38),Shannon的信息指数(0.65)以及观察到的(0.33)和预期的杂合性(0.38)推断出中等的遗传多样性水平。结构分析表明,使用基于模型的贝叶斯方法,四个种群是最佳的种群规模,并且将251个D. odorifera种群分为五个种群,其中包括四个种群(RP1-4)和一个种群(MIX)(基于它们的最大值)隶属系数。在这些人群中,预期的杂合度从0.30(RP3)到0.38(RP4)不等。分子变异分析(AMOVA)显示,种群之间存在11%的遗传变异,并且通过成对的Fst矩阵(种群间的遗传分化)推断出适度的种群分化,其范围在0.031至0.095之间。此外,还开发了31种臭D科植物的核心资源,其中包括6棵野生树和25棵栽培树,仅占数据库的12.4%,但保留了整个遗传多样性。这项研究的结果为大型D. odorifera种质的遗传结构提供了更多的见识,并且其核心馆藏将对遗传资源的有效和可持续利用以及育种计划的有效改进很有用。



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