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Pick Your Poisson: An Educational Primer for Luria and Delbrück’s Classic Paper




The origin of beneficial mutations is fundamentally important in understanding the processes by which natural selection works. Using phage-resistant mutants in Escherichia coli as their model for identifying the origin of beneficial mutations, Luria and Delbrück distinguished between two different hypotheses. Under the first hypothesis, which they termed “acquired immunity,” the phages induced bacteria to mutate to immunity; this predicts that none of the resistant mutants were present before infection by the phages. Under the second hypothesis, termed “mutation to immunity,” resistant bacteria arose from random mutations independent of the presence of the phages; this predicts that resistant bacteria were present in the population before infection by the phages. These two hypotheses could be distinguished by calculating the frequencies at which resistant mutants arose in separate cultures infected at the same time and comparing these frequencies to the theoretical results under each model. The data clearly show that mutations arise at a frequency that is independent of the presence of the phages. By inference, natural selection reveals the genetic variation that is present in a population rather than inducing or causing this variation.
机译:有益突变的起源对于理解自然选择的过程至关重要。 Luria和Delbrück使用大肠杆菌中的噬菌体抗性突变体作为模型来识别有益突变的起源,从而区分了两种不同的假设。在第一个假设(他们称为“获得性免疫”)下,噬菌体诱导细菌突变为免疫。这表明在被噬菌体感染之前,没有抗性突变体存在。在第二种假设(称为“免疫突变”)下,抗药性细菌是由与噬菌体的存在无关的随机突变产生的。这表明在被噬菌体感染之前,种群中存在抗药性细菌。通过计算在同一时间被感染的不同培养物中抗性突变体出现的频率并将这些频率与每个模型下的理论结果进行比较,可以区分这两个假设。数据清楚地表明,突变的发生频率与噬菌体的存在无关。通过推断,自然选择揭示了种群中存在的遗传变异,而不是诱发或引起这种变异。



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