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In Silico Docking to Explicate Interface between Plant-Originated Inhibitors and E6 Oncogenic Protein of Highly Threatening Human Papillomavirus 18




The leading cause of cancer mortality globally amongst the women is due to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. There is need to explore anti-cancerous drugs against this life-threatening infection. Traditionally, different natural compounds such as withaferin A, artemisinin, ursolic acid, ferulic acid, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, berberin, resveratrol, jaceosidin, curcumin, gingerol, indol-3-carbinol, and silymarin have been used as hopeful source of cancer treatment. These natural inhibitors have been shown to block HPV infection by different researchers. In the present study, we explored these natural compounds against E6 oncoprotein of high risk HPV18, which is known to inactivate tumor suppressor p53 protein. E6, a high throughput protein model of HPV18, was predicted to anticipate the interaction mechanism of E6 oncoprotein with these natural inhibitors using structure-based drug designing approach. Docking analysis showed the interaction of these natural inhibitors with p53 binding site of E6 protein residues 108-117 (CQKPLNPAEK) and help reinstatement of normal p53 functioning. Further, docking analysis besides helping in silico validations of natural compounds also helped elucidating the molecular mechanism of inhibition of HPV oncoproteins.
机译:全球女性死亡的主要原因是人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染。需要探索抗这种威胁生命的感染的抗癌药物。传统上,已使用了不同的天然化合物,如枯草杆菌素A,青蒿素,熊果酸,阿魏酸,(-)-表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯,小ber素,白藜芦醇,水杨苷,姜黄素,姜醇,吲哚-3-甲醇和水飞蓟素。癌症治疗的希望之源。这些天然抑制剂已被不同的研究人员证明可阻断HPV感染。在本研究中,我们探索了这些天然化合物抗高风险HPV18的E6癌蛋白,已知该蛋白能灭活肿瘤抑制因子p53蛋白。 E6是HPV18的高通量蛋白质模型,预计将使用基于结构的药物设计方法预测E6癌蛋白与这些天然抑制剂的相互作用机制。对接分析显示这些天然抑制剂与E6蛋白残基108-117(CQKPLNPAEK)的p53结合位点之间的相互作用,有助于恢复正常的p53功能。此外,对接分析除了有助于对天然化合物进行计算机验证外,还有助于阐明抑制HPV癌蛋白的分子机制。



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