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mHealth Interventions in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review




The purpose of this review was to determine whether mHealth interventions were effective in low- and middle-income countries in order to create a baseline for the evidence to support mHealth in developing countries. Studies were identified by searching Medline on 02 October 2014 for articles published in the English language between January 2000 and September 2014. Inclusion criteria were: 1) written in English, 2) completion of an mHealth intervention in a low or middle-income country, 3) measurement of patient outcomes, and 4) participants 18 years of age or older. 7,920 titles were reviewed and 7 were determined eligible based on inclusion criteria. Interventions included a cluster randomized trial, mixed methods study, retrospective comparison of an opt-in text message program, a two-arm proof of concept, single arm trial, a randomized trial, and a single subject design. Five out of seven of the studies showed significant difference between the control and intervention. Currently there is little evidence on mHealth interventions in developing countries, and existing studies are very diverse; however initial studies show changes in clinical outcomes, adherence, and health communication, including improved communication with providers, decrease in travel time, ability to receive expert advice, changes in clinical outcomes, and new forms of cost-effective education. While this initial review is promising, more evidence is needed to support and direct system-level resource investment.
机译:这次审查的目的是确定移动医疗保健干预措施在低收入和中等收入国家是否有效,以便为支持发展中国家移动医疗保健的证据建立基准。通过检索2014年10月2日在Medline上查找2000年1月至2014年9月之间以英语撰写的文章来确定研究。纳入标准包括:1)用英语撰写; 2)在低收入或中等收入国家/地区完成mHealth干预, 3)测量患者的结局,以及4)18岁以上的参与者。根据纳入标准,对7,920个标题进行了审查,并确定7个为合格。干预措施包括整群随机试验,混合方法研究,选择性加入的短信程序的回顾性比较,两臂概念验证,单臂试验,随机试验和单受试者设计。七分之五的研究表明,对照和干预之间存在显着差异。目前在发展中国家很少有关于mHealth干预措施的证据,现有的研究非常多样化。然而,初步研究显示临床结局,依从性和健康沟通方面的变化,包括改善与提供者的沟通,减少出差时间,获得专家意见的能力,临床结局的变化以及新型的高性价比教育。尽管此初步审查很有希望,但需要更多证据来支持和指导系统级资源投资。



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