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Assessment of Wrist Function After Simulated Total Wrist Arthrodesis




>Background: There is poor consensus in the literature regarding associated functional limitation and the preferred wrist position for total wrist arthrodesis. The purpose of the current investigation was twofold: (1) to assess the functional limitations of wrist arthrodesis and (2) to determine the optimal position for wrist arthrodesis using a simulated wrist fusion model. >Methods: Twenty healthy volunteers underwent simulated wrist arthrodesis in 6 different positions using custom-molded wrist splints: 15° extension with 0° radio-ulnar deviation, 15° extension with 10° ulnar deviation, 15° extension with 10° radial deviation, 0° extension with 0° radio-ulnar deviation, 0° extension with 10° ulnar deviation, and 0° extension with 10° radial deviation. Each volunteer was independently assessed for wrist function using the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test, grip strength, and satisfaction in the simulated wrist fusion positions. Comparisons between all simulated fusion wrists and the baseline unsplinted wrist as well as among the 6 simulated fusion positions were performed. >Results: Turning over a card (5.1 vs 4.3 seconds), picking up small objects (7.1 vs 5.8 seconds), and simulated feeding (8.3 vs 7.1 seconds) as well as total Jebsen-Taylor test duration (41.8 vs 37.9 seconds) was significantly longer in simulated fusion wrists. Both grip strength (55.9 vs 80.7 kg) and satisfaction scores (6.4 vs 9.6) were lower in simulated fusion wrists. Wrists in 0° extension also demonstrated significantly shorter durations in stacking checkers than wrists in 15° extension. >Conclusion: Our findings suggest that wrist arthrodesis may only compromise select wrist functions. Among the tested wrist fusion positions, wrists fused in neutral may demonstrate better function than wrist fused in slight extension. However, grip strength and satisfaction seem to be unaffected by wrist fusion position.
机译:>背景:文献中关于相关的功能局限性和全腕关节固定术的首选腕部位置的共识不佳。当前研究的目的是双重的:(1)评估腕关节固定术的功能局限性;(2)使用模拟的腕部融合模型确定腕关节固定术的最佳位置。 >方法:二十名健康志愿者使用定制的手腕夹板在6个不同的位置进行了模拟腕关节固定术:伸展15度,-尺偏离0°,伸展15度,尺偏离10度,伸展15°径向偏移为10°,放射尺侧偏移为0°时延伸0°,尺骨偏移为10°时扩展为0°,径向偏移为10°时扩展为0°。使用Jebsen-Taylor手功能测试,模拟的手腕融合位置的握力和满意度对每个志愿者的腕功能进行独立评估。在所有模拟融合手腕和基线未夹腕之间以及6个模拟融合位置之间进行了比较。 >结果:翻转一张卡片(5.1秒对4.3秒),捡起小物体(7.1秒对5.8秒),模拟进纸(8.3秒对7.1秒),以及捷成泰勒的总测试时间(在模拟融合手腕中,时间分别为41.8秒和37.9秒)。在模拟融合手腕中,握力(55.9 vs 80.7 kg)和满意度得分(6.4 vs 9.6)均较低。伸展0°的手腕比起15°伸展的手腕,还显示出叠放方格的时间明显缩短。 >结论:我们的发现表明,腕关节固定术只能损害某些腕部功能。在经过测试的腕部融合位置中,中立融合的手腕可能表现出比轻微伸展融合的手腕更好的功能。然而,握力和满意度似乎不受腕部融合位置的影响。



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