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Drug-related HIV epidemic in Pakistan: a review of current situation and response and the way forward beyond 2015




Pakistan is among four countries in Asia where the estimated number of new HIV infections has been increasing year by year ever since 1990. The Asian Epidemic Modelling (AEM), conducted in 2015, reconfirmed that the use of contaminated injection equipment among people who inject drugs (PWID) remains the main mode of HIV transmission in the country. The estimated number of PWID ranges from 104,804 to 420,000 PWID. HIV prevalence in this population is above 40 % in several cities, including Faisalabad (52.5 %), D.G. Khan (49.6 %), Gujrat (46.2 %), Karachi (42.2 %) and Sargodha (40.6 %), respectively. Harm reduction service delivery is being implemented through a public-private partnership led by the National and Provincial AIDS Control Programmes and Nai Zindagi with funding support from the Global Fund. Current programmatic coverage of the needle and syringe programme, HIV testing and counselling and antiretroviral treatment among PWID remain insufficient to control ongoing transmission of HIV in the country. While opioid substitution therapy (OST) is yet to be introduced, significant progress and coordination among various ministries have taken place recently to register buprenorphine in the dosage required for treatment of opioid dependence, and possible introduction of OST will greatly facilitate adherence to antiretroviral treatment among PWID living with HIV.
机译:巴基斯坦是亚洲四个国家之一,据估计,自1990年以来,亚洲新感染艾滋病毒的人数一直在逐年增加。2015年进行的亚洲流行病建模(AEM)重申,注射毒品的人使用受污染的注射设备(PWID)仍然是该国艾滋病毒传播的主要方式。 PWID的估计数量范围从104,804到420,000 PWID。在包括费萨拉巴德(52.5%),德国D.G.在内的多个城市中,该人群的艾滋病毒感染率超过40%。汗(49.6%),古吉拉特(46.2%),卡拉奇(42.2%)和萨戈达(40.6%)。通过由国家和省艾滋病控制计划和奈辛达吉市牵头的公私合营伙伴关系,在全球基金的资助下,实施减少危害服务。目前在PWID中,针头和注射器计划的计划覆盖范围,艾滋病毒检测和咨询以及抗逆转录病毒治疗仍然不足以控制该国艾滋病毒的持续传播。尽管尚未引入阿片类药物替代疗法(OST),但最近各部门之间已取得了重大进展,并进行了协调,以在治疗阿片类药物依赖性所需的剂量中注册丁丙诺啡,并且可能的OST引入将极大地促进阿片类药物在抗逆转录病毒治疗中的依从性感染艾滋病毒的PWID。



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