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The mutational decay of male-male and hermaphrodite-hermaphrodite competitive fitness in the androdioecious nematode C. elegans

机译:雄虫线虫C. elegans中雄-雄和雌雄同体-雌雄同体竞争适应性的突变衰变



Androdioecious Caenorhabditis have a high frequency of self-compatible hermaphrodites and a low frequency of males. The effects of mutations on male fitness are of interest for two reasons. First, when males are rare, selection on male-specific mutations is less efficient than in hermaphrodites. Second, males may present a larger mutational target than hermaphrodites because of the different ways in which fitness accrues in the two sexes. We report the first estimates of male-specific mutational effects in an androdioecious organism. The rate of male-specific inviable or sterile mutations is ⩽5 × 10−4/generation, below the rate at which males would be lost solely due to those kinds of mutations. The rate of mutational decay of male competitive fitness is ~ 0.17%/generation; that of hermaphrodite competitive fitness is ~ 0.11%/generation. The point estimate of ~ 1.5X faster rate of mutational decay of male fitness is nearly identical to the same ratio in Drosophila. Estimates of mutational variance (VM) for male mating success and competitive fitness are not significantly different from zero, whereas VM for hermaphrodite competitive fitness is similar to that of non-competitive fitness. Two independent estimates of the average selection coefficient against mutations affecting hermaphrodite competitive fitness agree to within two-fold, 0.33–0.5%.
机译:雄激素性人鞭毛虫具有高频率的自交雌雄同体和低频率的男性。突变对男性健康的影响引起人们的兴趣,原因有两个。首先,当雄性很少见时,对雄性特异突变的选择不如雌雄同体。其次,由于两性适合度的累积方式不同,男性可能比雌雄同体具有更大的突变目标。我们报告雄激素的有机体中的男性特定突变效应的初步估计。男性特有的不育或不育突变的发生率为⩽5×10 −4 /世代,低于仅因这些突变而导致的雄性丧失的比率。男性竞争适应度的突变衰减率为〜0.17%/代;雌雄同体的竞争适应度约为每代0.11%。男性适应性突变衰变更快的速度约1.5倍的点估计几乎与果蝇中的相同比率相同。男性交配成功率和竞争适应度的变异方差(VM)估计值与零没有显着差异,而雌雄同体竞争适应度的VM与非竞争适应度的估计值相似。针对影响雌雄同体竞争适应性的突变的平均选择系数的两个独立估计值在两倍范围内,即0.33-0.5%。



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