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Epigenetic paternal effects as costly condition-dependent traits




It is now recognized that post-copulatory traits, such as sperm and ejaculate production can impose metabolic costs, and such traits are therefore expected to exhibit condition-dependent expression, whereby, low condition individuals experience a greater marginal cost of investment compared to high condition individuals. Ejaculates are especially costly in species where males invest in offspring quality through nutrient-rich spermatophores or other seminal nuptial gifts. However, recent evidence shows that, in species where males do not provision females or offspring, males can still influence offspring development through paternal effects mediated by epigenetic factors, such as non-coding RNAs, DNA methylation and chromatin structure. Because such epigenetic paternal effects do not involve the transfer of substantial quantities of resources, such as nutrients, the costs of conferring such effects have not been considered. Here we argue that if selection favours paternal investment in offspring quality through epigenetic factors, then the epigenetic machinery required to bring about such effects may also be expected to evolve strongly condition-dependent expression. We outline indirect evidence suggesting that epigenetic paternal effects could impose substantial metabolic costs, consider the conditions under which selection may act on such effects, and suggest ways to test for differential costs and condition-dependence of these effects. Incorporating epigenetic paternal effects into condition-dependent life history theory will further our understanding of the heritability of fitness and the evolution of paternal investment strategies.



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