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The association between adolescent entry into the trucking industry and risk of HIV among long-distance truck drivers in India




This study examines the relationship between entry into the trucking industry during adolescence and both sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among long-distance truck drivers in India. Data were sourced from a cross-sectional survey (sample size: 2066) undertaken in 2007 among long-distance truck drivers. The survey spread across major transshipment locations covering the bulk of India’s transport volume along four routes. Participants were interviewed about sexual behaviors and were tested for HIV and STIs. The present authors constructed two synthetic cohorts based on the participants’ duration of employment in the trucking industry: (1) low (duration ≤ 6 years) and (2) high experience (duration ≥ 7 years). Based on age at entry into the trucking industry, participants were termed as either adolescent (age at entry < 18 complete years) or adult entrants (age at entry ≥ 18 complete years). In the low-experience cohort, the adolescent entrants were more likely than the adult entrants to have sex with paid female partners (42.6% versus 27.2%, respectively; adjusted odds ratio [OR]: 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3–2.9) and to practice inconsistent condom use with such partners (69.1% versus 26.8%, respectively; adjusted OR: 5.3; 95% CI: 2.4–11.6). However, no significant differences were found in STI and HIV prevalence between the adolescent and the adult entrants in this cohort. In the high-experience cohort, the adolescent entrants were about two times more likely than the adult entrants to practice inconsistent condom use with paid female partners (38.5% versus 26.7%, respectively; adjusted OR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.1–2.8) and to test positive for HIV (7.4% versus 4.0%, respectively; adjusted OR: 1.9; 95% CI: 1.2–3.1) and syphilis (5.7% versus 3.5%, respectively; adjusted OR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.1–3.1). These results suggest the need for focused behavioral change programs in HIV prevention interventions for adolescent truckers in India and elsewhere.
机译:这项研究调查了印度长途卡车司机在青春期进入卡车行业与性传播感染(STIs)和人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染之间的关系。数据来自2007年对长途卡车驾驶员进行的横断面调查(样本量:2066)。该调查分布在主要转运地区,涵盖了印度在四条路线上的大部分运输量。参加者接受了有关性行为的采访,并接受了艾滋病毒和性传播感染的检测。本文的作者根据参与者在卡车运输行业的工作年限构建了两个综合队列:(1)低(持续时间≤6年)和(2)高经验(持续时间≥7年)。根据进入卡车运输行业的年龄,参与者被称为青少年(进入年龄<18个完整年)或成年进入者(进入年龄≥18个完整年)。在经验不足的人群中,青少年进入者比成年进入者更有可能与付费女性伴侣发生性关系(分别为42.6%和27.2%;调整后的优势比[OR]:1.9; 95%的置信区间[CI]: 1.3-2.9),并与此类伴侣一起使用安全套不一致(分别为69.1%和26.8%;调整后的OR:5.3; 95%CI:2.4-11.6)。但是,在该队列中,青少年和成人进入者之间在性传播感染和艾滋病毒感染率上没有发现显着差异。在经验丰富的队列中,青少年参与者与付费女性伴侣使用安全套不一致的可能性是成年参与者的两倍(分别为38.5%和26.7%;调整后的OR:1.7; 95%CI:1.1-2.8 )并检测呈阳性的HIV(分别为7.4%和4.0%;调整后的OR:1.9; 95%CI:1.2–3.1)和梅毒(分别为5.7%和3.5%;调整后的OR:1.8; 95%CI:1.1 –3.1)。这些结果表明,印度和其他地区的青少年卡车司机在艾滋病毒预防干预措施中需要有针对性的行为改变计划。



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