首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology >Intravenous Penicillin for Antenatal Syphilotherapy

Intravenous Penicillin for Antenatal Syphilotherapy




A 21 year old woman (G2 P0101) of 24 weeks gestation presented with syphilis of unknown duration. Sonography revealed fetal hydrops and placental thickening. Weekly intramuscular injections of 2.4 million U Bicillin for 3 weeks was initiated as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Repeat sonogram 1 week after starting treatment revealed increased ascites and a new pericardial effusion. Due to the worsening fetal condition, therapy was altered and the patient was admitted for IV penicillin. She received a continuous infusion of 18 million U penicillin G daily for 10 days. Serial sonograms showed improvement offetal ascites and pericardial effusion with 10 days of IV therapy, and complete resolution of hydrops was noted within 3 weeks. The fetus was born at term with no stigmata of congenital syphilis on newborn exam, and laboratory tests suggested adequate treatment in utero.
机译:一名妊娠24周的21岁妇女(G2 P0101)表现出持续时间未知的梅毒。超声检查显示胎儿积液和胎盘增厚。根据疾病控制中心的建议,每周进行240万U Bicillin的肌肉注射,持续3周。开始治疗后1周重复超声检查,发现腹水增加,出现新的心包积液。由于胎儿病情恶化,改变了治疗方法,患者因静脉青霉素入院。她连续10天每天持续输注1800万U青霉素G。连续超声检查显示,静脉注射治疗10天可改善胎儿腹水和心包积液,并在3周内完全消除积液。胎儿足月出生时在新生儿检查中没有先天性梅毒的柱头,实验室检查表明在子宫内有足够的治疗方法。



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