首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infection and Immunity >Protection of Mice against Shiga Toxin 2 (Stx2)-Associated Damage by Maternal Immunization with a Brucella Lumazine Synthase-Stx2 B Subunit Chimera

Protection of Mice against Shiga Toxin 2 (Stx2)-Associated Damage by Maternal Immunization with a Brucella Lumazine Synthase-Stx2 B Subunit Chimera

机译:保护小鼠免受志贺毒素2(Stx2)相关的母体免疫布鲁氏菌鲁马津合酶Stx2 B亚基嵌合体的损害。



Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is defined as the triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute kidney injury. Enterohemorrhagic Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (EHEC), which causes a prodromal hemorrhagic enteritis, remains the most common etiology of the typical or epidemic form of HUS. Because no licensed vaccine or effective therapy is presently available for human use, we recently developed a novel immunogen based on the B subunit of Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2B) and the enzyme lumazine synthase from Brucella spp. (BLS) (BLS-Stx2B). The aim of this study was to analyze maternal immunization with BLS-Stx2B as a possible approach for transferring anti-Stx2 protection to the offspring. BALB/c female mice were immunized with BLS-Stx2B before mating. Both dams and pups presented comparable titers of anti-Stx2B antibodies in sera and fecal extracts. Moreover, pups were totally protected against a lethal dose of systemic Stx2 injection up to 2 to 3 months postpartum. In addition, pups were resistant to an oral challenge with an Stx2-producing EHEC strain at weaning and did not develop any symptomatology associated with Stx2 toxicity. Fostering experiments demonstrated that anti-Stx2B neutralizing IgG antibodies were transmitted through breast-feeding. Pups that survived the EHEC infection due to maternally transferred immunity prolonged an active and specific immune response that protected them against a subsequent challenge with intravenous Stx2. Our study shows that maternal immunization with BLS-Stx2B was very effective at promoting the transfer of specific antibodies, and suggests that preexposure of adult females to this immunogen could protect their offspring during the early phase of life.
机译:溶血尿毒症综合征(HUS)定义为贫血,血小板减少症和急性肾损伤的三联征。产生前出血性肠炎的产肠出血性志贺毒素(Stx)的大肠杆菌(EHEC)仍然是HUS典型或流行形式的最常见病因。由于目前尚无可用于人类使用的许可疫苗或有效疗法,因此我们最近开发了一种新的免疫原,其基于志贺毒素2(Bxcella sga)的志贺毒素2(BxA)的B亚基和酶lumazine合酶。 (BLS)(BLS-Stx2B)。这项研究的目的是分析用BLS-Stx2B进行母体免疫,作为将抗Stx2保护转移给后代的可能方法。交配前用BLS-Stx2B免疫BALB / c雌性小鼠。大坝和幼犬在血清和粪便提取物中均呈现出可比的抗Stx2B抗体效价。此外,幼崽在产后2到3个月内完全免受致命性全身性Stx2注射的伤害。此外,幼仔在断奶时对产生Stx2的EHEC菌株的口服攻击具有抵抗力,并且未出现任何与Stx2毒性相关的症状。养育实验表明抗Stx2B中和性IgG抗体是通过母乳喂养传播的。因母体转移的免疫力而在EHEC感染中幸存的幼仔延长了主动和特异性的免疫反应,从而保护了它们免受随后静脉注射Stx2的攻击。我们的研究表明,用BLS-Stx2B进行产妇免疫对促进特异性抗体的转移非常有效,并且表明成年雌性预先暴露于这种免疫原可以在生命的早期阶段保护其后代。



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