首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infection and Immunity >Note: Use of Monoclonal Antibodies To Identify Phospholipase C as the Enterotoxic Factor of the Bifunctional Hemolysin-Phospholipase C Molecule of Vibrio cholerae O139

Note: Use of Monoclonal Antibodies To Identify Phospholipase C as the Enterotoxic Factor of the Bifunctional Hemolysin-Phospholipase C Molecule of Vibrio cholerae O139




Two hybrid clones producing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against the purified enterotoxic hemolysin-phospholipase C (HlyPC) bifunctional molecule of a Vibrio cholerae O139 strain were used to study its enterotoxicity in relation to its hemolytic and enzymatic activities. Fab fragments of MAbs from ascites produced by the two hybrids neutralized the hemolytic activity of HlyPC, leaving the enzymatic activity unaffected. In ligated rabbit ileal loop and infant mouse intestine, the Fab fragments of the MAbs were not able to neutralize the enterotoxicity of HlyPC, suggesting that PC rather than Hly is the enterotoxic moiety of the molecule. The enterotoxicity of the purified PC molecule isolated from an Hly spontaneous mutant of the HlyPC-producing parent strain further confirms this contention. The Hly molecule isolated from a PC mutant was not diarrheagenic.
机译:使用两个产生抗霍乱弧菌O139菌株的纯化肠毒性溶血素-磷脂酶C(HlyPC)双功能分子的单克隆抗体(MAb)的杂合克隆,研究其与溶血和酶促活性有关的肠毒性。两种杂种产生的腹水中单克隆抗体的Fab片段中和了HlyPC的溶血活性,而酶活性未受影响。在结扎的兔回肠环和婴儿小肠中,MAb的Fab片段无法中和HlyPC的肠毒性,这表明PC而非Hly是该分子的肠毒性部分。从生产HlyPC的亲本菌株的Hly -自发突变体中分离的纯化PC分子的肠毒性进一步证实了这一观点。从PC -突变体分离的Hly分子不引起腹泻。



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